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Everything posted by HiVizMan

  1. No just blind member - you got points for that submission.
  2. Report score is still borked. That one needs to be fixed soon I guess.
  3. Submit seems broken?
  4. The 50 option is not working.
  5. I have seen some strange shit in my time. Ghetto cooling at its best. Nice one Christian.
  6. As CPUZ is getting hardware points as it stands with Rev4 then what additional benefit or gain will there be to members if CPUZ submission are awarded global points? I could understand the discontent if CPUZ was not receiving any hardware points at all, but that is not the case. CPUZ will continue to score hardware points. What am I missing?
  7. Just goes to show size does count after all.
  8. Ah let the game begin - nice one mate. Edit. Bugger your score is better than my back up too. 44218 = not good enough.
  9. You raise the bar mate - now we will have to aim even higher just to equal your effort.
  10. The cold was outside and the benching was good ... Until the snow
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