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Everything posted by HiVizMan

  1. Guys seriously you have no idea how this bench has been a bother to us both. We have at times just wanted to give up and say F it. But Ian does not understand what that concept means. So big respect to you Ian for sticking with it. And yeah the next OS I prep will be even better than this one, I promise mate.
  2. Finally it came together, it has been a long two weeks with this bench.
  3. Very good run mate, nice one.
  4. Thank you very much Pieter.
  5. I can get it to work on Windows 8 and 8.1 is this allowed as a OS for this benchmark?
  6. Still not happening for me. Pretty frustrating, I am sure I am being a n00b about something.
  7. An outstanding run - I hope you get to the 9.30 mark first as in my view you certainly deserve it. I agree with your statement (on another forum) that frequency of the memories plays far higher a role than uber tight ones. Even on single channel. You have inspired many past AMD benchers to return to the benching tables and give AMD another go and for that I thank you.
  8. Think I owe you another beer. Thanks Pieter.
  9. I had the same thing as Leeghoofd - and the fix is to connect to the internet and run updates. Hence my disbelief that to bench I have to fist install a LAN driver and install an updated Malicious Software Removal Tool. But if needs must... However it does confound.
  10. So I have to connect to the internet to bench? You are kidding me right, lan drivers to be installed. Seriously... Guess that explains why I can not get this thing to run the benchmark.
  11. Boot up is 4GB currently, and dual channel in OS too, but I am not clocked very high at the minute busy trying to play with the HT and NB.
  12. Is there any way of sorting this out, I get single channel even at 251 FSB Dewi. That is not high at all.
  13. I think it must be Sam - certainly had two sticks in system.
  14. Congratulations to the winning team and a big thank you to HWBOT and all concerned for puting together this contest. Was in equal parts heaps of fun and unbelievable frustration. Anyone who thinks benching is easy has not benched hard with multi pots.... Can not wait for the next Pro Cup.
  15. hahahah all good mate and right you are.
  16. You might be a bit pissed when you see what 4770K sell for in the UK currently mate. And 4670K too.
  17. Nice one mate looking forward to the next phase or results from you.
  18. L316B291 1.46v for 4.7GHz not tested on cold yet. L310B479 1.2625V 5.0GHz on Air
  19. I am surprised to hear people suggest that F1 is without limits. F1 racing is most certainly very much limited and regulated. There are regulations as to what may and may not be done to a car, a chassis, an engine, the tyres, the total weight of the care and so on. In fact all motor sports are regulated. Here is a link to the Technical Regulations just to highlight what I mean. http://www.formula1.com/inside_f1/rules_and_regulations/technical_regulations/ Now to take that F1 analogy to the next level when talking about benching and OC'ing one would have to ask why were those regulations brought into play? The answer is two fold. First safety, too fast and people would die. Yes regulators actively try to slow cars down. The second is economics when you break it down. TV audiences want to see competitive races, they do not want to see a boring procession to the finish line. This was the case a few years ago, numbers started to drop. The revenue generated by the TV rights are what drive the sport onwards, high viewer-ship numbers ensure that value is had by sponsors of the teams. In other words the F1 needed to be competitive to be viable. This they did. So they change the regulations each season. They add stuff, they limit stuff. The point being F1 is constantly evolving. OC and Benching needs to be constantly evolving too. So maybe there does need to be discussions about regulating the sport. Discussions like this are part of the evolution process and very interesting to read. I just wanted to debunk the notion that anything goes in F1.
  20. Yeah it is - minutely. And I put my hand up as I said it was such a small amount to not matter. My bad.
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