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About quiekMew

  • Birthday 02/05/2001


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  1. Thanks everyone! :) I'm really surprised how well my debut with LN2 PSC went.
  2. Ask intel :b Its one of those LTX Golden Sample chips that were raffled off like a year ago, friend won one and it found its way to me now :)
  3. Thanks all :) CPU is quite something yea, was alot of fun with a capable PSU
  4. Strong score :) but if I understood correctly this is LN2 not SS?
  5. 75. Think this is above average for 11700ks considering a friend of mine has a 65sp 11900k. Bought this one from Mindfactory in late February, haven t had any besides this chip.
  6. Didnt wanna keep your backup? :b or still have something better on usb
  7. pls delete this, selected 1x cpu on accident
  8. nice scores, need to rebench at some point ;)
  9. Danke :b Joa ich versuche die Batch immer dazuzuschreiben wenn ich drandenke
  10. PMd
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