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Everything posted by Jerre

  1. is this board with the Nforce 4 chipset? Looking for testbed for older SLI-cards (7800GT DUAL e.g.)
  2. i think 2 Voodoo2 SLI are still 16 or maybe 24 bit. Well, i have a Canopus Voodoo2 (100 Mhz EDO Vram!) and some Voodoo3000 or the sorts... The Voodoo3 has no cooler fyi.
  3. damn, otherwise i'd have for now 1st place with S478 gonna oc that old S478, and then some
  4. nice :-) Geoffrey has my S462 mobo, and i have something in stock looking like a S478 mobo and a S775 mobo.
  5. damn, that's a fast bench, sneezed and it was finished. btw, Gamer, I have a better score, i'll submit it.
  6. :-) for the agp-challenge: exclude S775 cpu's ?
  7. let's hope so. If not i'm going to sit this one out, waiting for an AGP competition
  8. any good sources for singe card - dual GPU sollutions? Can't find any, except overpriced GTX295...
  9. Guess finding dual gpu - single slot cards - is going to be a tough job. Been searching the internetz and me hasn't found anything for sale...
  10. my scores aren't linked to the achievements anymore... http://hwbot.org/user/jerre/
  11. nice run there goes 2nd place
  12. Vcore was set at 2.9V. I can go as high as 3.4V, but at 2.9 the cooler becomes hot to the touch. => +60 à 65°C. I'll try a rerun with a 500Mhz CPU in a couple of days (have to go and fetch it)
  13. 240+ fsb... My nforce2 mobo (asus) doesn't go over 220 FSB. Did you make a Vmod?
  14. which of the two settings should be faster: 5.5x multi x 100 Mhz FSB (550 Mhz CPU-speed), with memory set at 100 Mhz. 4.5x multi x 112 Mhz FSB (504 Mhz CPU-speed), memory set at 112 Mhz.
  15. the mx2 is dead, enter the voodoo3 3500 , the K6-2 managed to post at 500 Mhz instead of 400 :-). Searching for that Nvidia FX card. But where did i put it...
  16. I think i have something like that, and a Radeon 9200. Perhaps that i'll install the pc tonight
  17. Damn, i was thinking using a 7600GT OC't to 640 Mhz
  18. back on topic: is there anybody with experience using a Soyo 5EHM mainboard and K6-2 400 Cpu? Also: does PCMark 2004 takes graphics much in consideration to calculate the final score? e.g.: instead of using my trustworthy Geforce mx2 i could use something more powerfull.
  19. yup, i'm goin to put that old K6-2 400 in the plug and use some heavy duty equipment to remove the dust. That reminds me: i got Syberia on that PC and didn't finish it
  20. joined Madshrimps team
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