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Everything posted by Monstru

  1. Would you be so kind and elaborate the above statements a bit? What exactly "can't we take"? Do we look like we are loosing or anything? Please be so kind and shed some light on this issues for me, because I am really curious how a person I have never talked to before, I do not know and I haven't even seen around HWBot can have a problem with "the guys from Romania"... Regarding 2k3, clarifications were needed regarding that high GT1. It is higher then average, then it should be investigated. After analysing this a bit, clarification should sound like this: "Due to the larger cache size and also higher clock speed, i2600 manages to ouperform lower models". Is that so hard, is anybody offended when clarifications are required? The score is legit, everything is fine, people should just understand why. It is a common situation when new hardware gets around the testbench. So what exactly is the problem here?
  2. I don't suppose any of you can get romania's national television (TVR 2). In half an hour we will have a material there about Country Cup. I'll put it on YouTube next week
  3. =))=))=)) Well I saw some 104xx frames but got freeze in nature.... But I know you can do it
  4. If it is it should not be hard to see dozens of screens with that latency.
  5. That gets you a good score (2300+) with 33ns latency, like my 2320 score. That does not give you 32, 31 etc
  6. Temper, temper, no need to argue like this, it's not a matter of skill or special tweaks, it's the equivalent of Car Low, but very rare. Now if this might be considered a lucky run or a bug, it's up to the staff to decide, and being involved in the competition I will no discuss this any further. But there is no need to argue and no need for harsh talk, competitions are won by results, we are screenshot enemies, but friends in the rest of the time, so I don't see no reason for fighting. As far as I am concerned, I think there are 4 options....leave it as it is, block the scores with <33ns, kill this stage or give it less points. 4 options is enough to give the staff a looot to think about
  7. That I agree, MaxxMemm is not quite reliable, and that is a problem, because if we start to check which is bugged and which not, it is definately a pain in the but.
  8. Well, you guys name it. Bug or tweak. But if it is bug, all <33ns scores must go
  9. Is that possible? I mean the bot should automaticly select only submisions with the different unique hardware required for the stage, no?
  10. Congratulations to our fellow russians, you guys did what we were not able to do. Great work guys! On a side note, Massman I hate your guts, I spent 20 L of LN2 on my GTX 580 for nothing, I watsted my evening and my morning with this horrible benchmark, not to say that our GTX 570 went to a happier place. I hate you Massman, and I hate unigine :D:D I hope you get lots of these Pieter-Jan :D:D
  11. Yes, X58 is another story....With SB everybody has the same chance more or less, CPU wise, even though less skill is involved in CPU oc. With X58 most of the participants in this competition don't actually have much of a chance Remember though 2k1 is still about VGA and tweaking too.
  12. Launch date - January 3 Retail availablity - January 10 3DMark01 un-LGA775'd ranking - opened on January 6, ends on January 22 Where is the problem? 2 weeks are not enough? Do you really think it is all in the CPU? Do you think there are more equal chances with X58? We'll see in the MaxxMem stage pretty soon
  13. I can buy one and ship it to you if you wish. Or you can buy from Germany for sure
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