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Everything posted by sammurai

  1. I tried also this beta BIOS with no issues except the fact that the CPU is running at 4.450 mhz in CB20 instead of 4.500-4.525 mhz all cores with BIOS 3003. No improvement for FLK, still limited to 1.866 mhz. As a result I returned to 3003.
  2. Have anyone tried this beta BIOS on Impact? Maybe FLK can now go above 1866 mhz.
  3. Really looking for a Dothan adapter to 478 (Asus CT-479)....
  4. sammurai

    478 Motherboards

    I am looking for good 478 motherboards, like Asus P4C800-E. Also for Dothan adapter to 478 (Asus CT-479).
  5. I`ve just updated with my username in the description. I hope is okay now.
  6. Why hwbot blocked by submission? I have a valid CPU-Z validation and worked hard for that.
  7. Can you share the nanoflasher model you are using? I have several A7N8X i would like to practice a bit
  8. Hi,

    Do you sell CPUs and ram only?

    1. Jor3llBR/Elano


      Only the full package.

  9. Thanks for the tip!
  10. Thank you! I will give`it a try and come back with feedback. A BIOS will be very usefull.
  11. Yes, I was refering to a hard mod. I specified that I already found some BIOS mods.
  12. Did anyone managed to mod an Asus Maximus Impact VIII ? Did not found anything except for some BIOS mod alternatives. I have that little devil and I would like to see how it works with an i7 8700k/8086k. Thanks!
  13. sammurai

    OLD Motheboards

    I am looking for these old motherboards in working conditions: 1. AOpen i975Xa-YDG 2. DFI 855GME-MGF 3. AOpen i855GMEm-LFS 4. DFI 915GM-MGF
  14. CPUs can be found but for a decent MB you need to be either very lucky either to pay a huge price
  15. Very nice mod! Do you have a link or pictures for the hardmode used for dimm/nb and vcore? I am struggling finding a good NF7-S but i can abuse two A7N8X-E.
  16. I had one in the age of 775 and my E8400 stopped at FSB 550 Mhz. I am not 100% sure it was the mb fault. REX is x48.
  17. I am looking for these boards, socket 462, fully functional: - Abit NF7-S v2 - Abit AN7 - DFI LanParty NFII Ultra B
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