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Everything posted by snakeeyes

  1. Max CPU clock/cache speed of 5220Mhz monitored by XTU
  2. Same, xtu always report 5.22.... my score also deleted. I think on my screen also hwinfo was shown and it report max 5200. So we need to run 5.1 go get 5.12. Think all other clocks get up to 5.22 maybe? Bench again cause xtu is weird ?. Will try in the evening.
  3. 7k better then 10k? I think there is something wrong in your Submission.
  4. I got the first high Score in HWluxx. I also delte my first high score on Hwbot, cause i think it cant be true. But AMD or 3Dmark dont do anything. So how can i check, it isnt a bug? Or maybe the card hit better Timings on Vram in some combinations? Who can say it isnt a tess bug or a perfect match on Vram+Timings? I cant, so i upload my last high score.
  5. Boot the tight 4800 on air and ht on. Thx for this guide. 1.35io/1.4sa and 1.99vdimm Cant pass workload Dijkstra on geek3 ?
  6. 1903 i could reach more then this, but my GPU is running in powertarget ;(. My Vram runs @ +1325. Maybe thats the difference.
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