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Everything posted by Movieman

  1. A shame we can't OC these things to what their real potential is. Intel really locked these systems up solid. The SR-X board and the Asus will allow a little bump in the BCLK but not much. What is needed is some genius to figure out how to separate the BCLK from the rest of the PCI BUSS. Now as to you, if I'm even close to what you can do I consider that a win. I'm a pure amateur at this and spend maybe 4-5 hours a year OC'ing and all to help out the XS team when I can.
  2. Sorry, no i5-650's here, but I do have a 16 core/32 thread E5-2687W dualie if that will work? LOLOLOLOL
  3. LOL, guys like you will smoke any results I can do.. SteveRo: Two boards allow OC'ing: The Asus and the EVGA SR-X.. Whole issue is the locked BCLK so maybe 105-106 on the Asus and we don't know yet on the SR-X board but I think it will hold it's own against the Asus.. We'll know soon.
  4. I always like to see what all my systems can do. Still have that little kid in me that says "What if".. Of course some French guy called me a Dreamer last week when I told him that if Intel unlocked the BCLK and multi's on these chips that the "guys" would make them show comnputational power that would solve the questions of the universe in seconds..LOL Beleive me, if you knew the work involved just top get these two you'd cry.. Months and months of getting "played" by the server division PR guy at Intel. If I was 20 years younger and lived on the west coast I'd have gone to his office and introduced him to my right hand.
  5. God's truth, this was all the cpu's.. I adjusted nothing as with this setup you CAN'T adjust anything..Just plain brutal power in the chips.
  6. Can't do too much with this as you can't OC it a bit and also tried 32m BUT can't get the machine to stay at top speed to start and it's so short a bench that I'm 1/'2 way through before up to 3400MHz( my max).. BUT I have a board coming soon that can be OC'd some and that will be interesting with these chips.
  7. Muchas gracias senor!
  8. Intel E5-2687W The new 8 core SB-EP xeon.. 3100/3400 turbo..150W Thanks.
  9. The unsaid thing is that if you "just" close it the screenshots are still there, As I said, I did just close it. Others made the decision to move it out of sight and I abided by those decisions. No probalem with your thoughts on this. I just wanted to clear up any issues and none between you and me.
  10. That's not correct. The thread was closed because it was becoming a flamefest. Then pulled to try and calm down the storm that it created. I know because I closed it and later pulled it after speaking with Charles. The other IB thread from that Meteor guy was pulled at his request which I also did. Just so we're clear, I don't like closing or pulling threads and enjoy seeing the new hardware as much as the rest of you do. Dave --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that's me speaking as an admin at XS, my personal feelings are I find it interesting that nothing has been said about IB being shown at Anandtech and I mean nothing. Also interesting that Intel has an advertising deal with that site thats into 5 figures/year Also for how many years has coolater been leaking stuff and nothing has been done? This reminds me of the schoolyard bully that only picks on the little kids but hasn't the balls to go after someone his own size.
  11. Movieman

    Raja@ASUS :)

    Congratulations. Well deserved! Now about that overclockable dual socket 2011 board we were talking about..
  12. Thank you oh Man Mountain of the North!. Even us old guys like to have some fun once in a while. Besides, got to try and fool the young guys that I have at least a few skills..LOL
  13. LOL, I hear ya..I'm no bencher, I just have a little fun with this stuff once in a while. Only thing that pushed me was when I first set it up I was surprised at the lack of voltage needed to run at 4GHz and the very low temps. Said What the hell, lets see what this will do. Expected it to crap out at 4400-4500 but it didn't. Got to app 4755 and then called a buddy with more knowledge than I have to see if it would hit 5GHz just for laughs. Now he won't take any credit but a hint, he's already posted in this thread.. No signed NDA but to keep peace in the PC world no pics or benches. Don't need the folks at Intel saying nasty things about me..
  14. No, I tried calling him but couldn't find his phone number so I tried this guy I know thats a little closer.. Besides, that way I wouldn't have to translate from Dutch!
  15. That's a pretty easy one to answer. I got to 4725 using my world reknowned skills, then I picked up the phone and called someone for help who really knew what they were doing..
  16. Hello my friend. This was a B1 stepping 990x.. Also probably not able to be counted yet.. OOPS, just saw Christians link.. That answers all my questions..LOL Thanks to all for the info.
  17. Sorry, I should have added more info. I meant top MHz. By air I mean "normal" air.. It was 71F in the house at the time. Board was in an open case with just 2-113cfm Deltas,one on cpu, one as case exhaust fan.
  18. Yea, that makes sense to me also but didn't see anything yet. Still searching..
  19. Anything.. Sp1m or even a validated CPUz screenshot.. Just curious as last night Imanaged just over 5200 on "legit" air.. One of the guys at Xs said that was the highest he'd seen. I did see a 980x at 5167 but wondered if there were any faster than that.
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