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Everything posted by Poorya_lion

  1. They should name the test HolgerMark2005 after you
  2. What's wrong with amateurs??? Great job man...
  3. No secret tweak or magic !!! Just routine tweaks were used. We tested many windows and drivers at that time and we could boost the score around 4K. With new drivers Nvidia get the power of aqua back.
  4. As you didn't laugh, I think you didn't get his joke. He meant that If you were AndreYang, You would warn to upload picture of your system for challenge and you are lucky that you are not AndreYang
  5. Great job dear Maxim... We hardly reached that score
  6. Your memory clock frequency is 931.7, you shouldn't multiply it in 2 for submit...
  7. I told you that our score won't affect, Even it doesn't matter if affect our scores. We are not complaining about this rule !!! You didn't get my point. My point is that HWBOT.org is not stable community. Every week there is a new rule, one week some tests have point other week they don't, some day ASUS Pause function is bad some day it is not, Some weeks memory tab is important some week they are not, some times rules will done for some guys some time it won't, ... I have been admin of 2 websites & forums for 5 years and I learned that you shouldn't change basic rules so fast. I won't forget a day that I was explaining rules and points to 3 new comer guys, they got bored and tired of them. In this case community won't grow ... Dear Roman just wait and see in 2 weeks I will quote this post in future new rule topic.
  8. Like those guys who get 100 chips per day from their sponsors !!! Yes ??? I don't know the genius who make these kind of decisions !!! WE DON'T HAVE ANY EXOTIC POINTS IN OUR TEAM !!! But => @ Massman: there is too many changes. Each month you are making new changes, I don't say that they are right or wrong , BUT FOR GOD SAKE PLEASE LET US BREATH FOR 1 WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Each day we have to read community for rules, tests, points, kicking ASUS's A*S*S and ... Please stop it.
  9. @Splave : Man are you trying to look like asians?
  10. Dude, it wasn't suppose to be serious, We were just gambling on score, We didn't thought that some day these shots give us scores
  11. Hey guys, It was the last test after 2 hours of benching, VGA and mobo get out of the shape so we had to run it in safe frequency just to pass the test.
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