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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. I hope I won't get hurt because of this
  2. Can't get the file copy method working. I can either start to copy it before running PCMark - that way PCMark halts and can't run till the copy ends. Or I can run it right after running PCMark - that way 50% is that the bench halts like described above. And then I get over 250MB/s. Or copy runs during test and I get about 32MB/s The less files I take the more frequently the copy ends before the test runs (halting it). Now where's that IOmeter?
  3. Happy Birthday, Karl! Wish you to keep pushing hardware and stay one of the most active guys at HWBot
  4. Nice score! But you should move these to 2core category since you use only one CPU: http://hwbot.org/submission/2269362_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2269363_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2269364_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2269365_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2269366_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2269367_ Good start. But this is only kid-playing before the monster arrives :-D
  5. Lucky bastard!
  6. Yep, got same error in the morning about 12 hours ago. Using Firefox.
  7. Well, there's a public mail left: cpuz_andyouknowwhathere_cpuid.com
  8. Totally agree with Mr.Scott - nice score and there's space for improvement! Congratulations Frank!
  9. Ticket ID: 1474 Priority: Medium 1. Delete socket 478 from AMD section\r\n2. Delete socket 754 from Intel section\r\n3. Move this board http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/cur_dls/ from TCP section to socket 370 (it\'s a dual socket 370 board), rename it\'s chipset - hwbot.org/hardware/chipset/le_3.0/ manufacturer from Unknown to \"ServerWorks\" and name from \"LE 3.0\" to \"ServerSet III LE\". And fix the board\'s page - the TCP mobile list shows that there are 14 submissions with this board while the board\'s page shows none.
  10. dammit I've failed this one. When you know all CPUs that are installed in the computers at work. And their steppings. And you definitely have checked their overclocking potential months ago. When you're angry that there aren't any nasty D9 chips in these computers as well.
  11. I remember when Sam was surprisingly one of the youngest overclockers
  12. Ticket ID: 1473 Priority: Medium http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/585lmr/ please rename the chipset "GRA HT8501" to MVP4. This is just a remarking for MVP4. PCchips aka Elpina aka Amptron used this trick very often. There was a number of TX2, TX3 and Super TX chipsets which were in fact just SiS chipsets of different flavors. Found this during the report: http://www.cpushack.com/2010/02/11/when-old-is-new-the-via-ht8501-chipset-aka-the-viagra/ Case 2 http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboards#key=m1543 there was no such chipset. Only 1541/1542. Google shows that 5ALI61 was using 1542 north bridge. ALI 1543 is the southbridge like ALI 1533. So move this board to ALI 1542 and delete this section. Case 3 Can anyone tell why is socket 478 in AMD CPU section? That's all for this time.
  13. Ticket ID: 1472 Priority: Medium http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/infinity_nf4x/ - this page appears to be broken. Doesn't show any info. And it's not present in the socket 754 NF4-4x motherboard list either: http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboards#key=nforce4__4x
  14. Highgertz, nice! How much do you get with only Switch User+Aerotuner?
  15. Especially if the memory was indeed run at default in the first test.
  16. All hardware components are rated to work at a certain frequency. This frequency is usually far from what the hardware can really hit. It's because manufacturers leave some reserve to verify that their hardware will work stable under worst conditions - high temperatures, bad power supply, ECS motherboards and so on. On the other hand this means that providing good conditions to the CPU we can elevate it's stable frequency. And this is exactly where overclocking starts from. Why bother buying the high-end $1k CPUs when their only difference from cheaper ones is usually the frequency? It's just the manufacturer who tested them to work stable on higher frequency and rated them appropriately. Using mentioned earlier tricks we can achieve even higher speed than those high-end CPUs. Assume your lovely BF3 says your videocard can run only solitaire. Well sometimes this is true. But sometimes you need only a little boost to shot the lags. It's always cheaper to use the same GPU for a bunch of VGA models just crippling it with either pipelines or frequency. Sometimes you can get the disabled pipes work. And even if it's not the case there's frequency slider left. You bump it and get higher frequency than the top card using this GPU had. The next thing that comes to your mind - hey, how can I get even more from this one? You compare the conditions both card work at and see that the more powerful one runs at higher voltage while being based on the same GPU. You raise the voltage of your card and get extra MHz. Then you raise the voltage a little bit more. There the heat issue strikes you. You improve the cooling and temps lower down. Then it's videomemory time. You read the datasheet on the memory chips and see that this model line is presented with a number of models. And the high-end ones use higher memory timings and voltage. Since they're based on the same silicon you want to check your guess. You modify the timings and raise the voltage using the high-end chips as an example. You achieve even higher frequency and thus overall VGA performance. Then you read the datasheet more attentively and find the "Absolute max ratings" and you see that the voltage you've set is far from what the chip manufacturer has checked as an acceptable limit. You raise the voltage even more and you see that they chips are really hot. You stick radiators on them and put a fan to cool them down. And you get some more speed and some more FPS. Oh, BF3 is running nice - go to the fridge and get some bear before shooting time starts. But then you think that not everything in your computer is pushed to the limit at that thought doesn't let you sleep at night. You start overclocking the CPU, the RAM. Then you think - hey maybe my card is the fastest of it's kind? You find HWBot... hey, what the f**k is LN2? You start looking for Dewar ads and saving pocket money to get 20L. Well that's a whole different story where the extreme part starts. It's like the transition from hobby car tuning to Formula 1 where you need to realize what you are going to do.
  17. Karl, there's another one - it's chipset is 865PE, not 865P. http://www.gigabyte.ru/products/page/mb/ga-8ipe1000_2x Stop drinking and moderating in the same time
  18. Thanks! But why did you name it 8IPE1000P? It's 8IPE1000 http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=1866
  19. Ticket ID: 1421 Priority: Medium There\'s already a 8IPE1000-G and 8IPE1000P-G but no vanilla GA-8IPE1000.\r\nvalidation here: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2129632\r\nThank you in advance!
  20. Did you flash all three parts of the BIOS? updating GX2 BIOSes is more complicated than a single card.
  21. Massman, it was not only about mouse moving - I wouldn't ask if it was that simple. O.K. - everything goes, but don't replace the app/browser/codec - right? I got your point, thank you for the answer!
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