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Everything posted by Antinomy

  1. That's interesting. Could you flash my BIOS, take the battery out, clear CMOS and boot without the battery at all? If you're switching from a 1023 to 1024 you should flash the chip completely - not only main section, but the full BIOS. If you do this, please post photo of the boot of your POST screen and Jumperfree section. which version was it, do you have a copy?
  2. It is for the Deluxe version. In fact, the P4C800-E is only Deluxe. There's no non-deluxe (only regular P4C800). You should load CMOS defaults or make CMOS reset using a battery or during flashing the BIOS (there's a flag for that). After that you should be fine. I've flashed it several times to three boards (two of which are i865) and it works like a charm.
  3. I'd consider vDroop as a must for these P4P800/P4C800 series.
  4. socket adapter, Xeons, multisocket restrictions anywhere?
  5. The problem has been around for several years. In two words - the behaviour of original Aquamark and wrapper is different. If your card doesn't support required settings, it downscales them (like 3DMark 01 for example with Z-buffer). But the wrapper detects this as "non-default settings" and terminates. I hope some day @GENiEBEN will have time to fix this one.
  6. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/ak73a/
  7. The competition now counts five more stages than TC 2021. Last comp was exhausting for our team. Five more stages means even harder for smaller teams that don't have like a hundred members (BTW, this is the main reason why I didn't take part in them before). I suggest to try to keep no more than 2 submissions for most stages except maybe the easiest ones (hardware-wise). And maybe prolong the comp to end of October making it 2,5 months. And/or strip some stages.
  8. Yep, banning VIA PT880 changes nothing (865G boards). Banning all Core2 would be nice. 3rd party IGP, I'm all in ?
  9. No. http://hw-museum.cz/vga/342/hercules-radeon-8500-le-128-mb
  10. CPU limited 3D01 test like 3DMark 2001SE socket 7 or 370. Cinebench 2003 SDRAM all in (Xeons not allowed). % ref clock (478/775) Super Pi 32M VIA CPU. 3DMark05 3rd party iGPU (non Intel, ATI/AMD, NV)
  11. Tried disabling HWinfo?
  12. Old hw and oddball - I'm all in for it! I don't like when you start to improvise and think of an unusual setup but it's called cutting the corners and gets prohibited. I personally think that weird rigs is part of the fun. Unlike running tens of same configs.
  13. https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/0d4571/
  14. O.K. so I've been looking for something on my harddrive and looked through a big old archive of web pages. And found out this folder with strap tweaks from eva2000, Xavier (before) and from Coolaler forum. Xavier's posts are mentioned here but without pics are a mess to read so maybe someone will find it useful. Strap_mchbar.zip
  15. https://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/qtj0_es/
  16. Added: https://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/x79_v272a/ Please attach a photo to your submissions (CPU-Z doesn't show exact model).
  17. Any info on this? Which CPUs besides Core2, how to check this and so on?
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