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Everything posted by Turrican

  1. he has added a fm link, so the screen is just for additional info.
  2. it's already there bro http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_3_e_1.0ghz_100mhz_fsb
  3. yeah, i saw that as well. yes, we need a new category because the ddr3 versions have much higher default memory clocks than the ddr2 versions. i'll add the new category tomorrow.
  4. added http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/sempron_145
  5. for some reason the longer scores aren't completely visible anymore? (the super pi 32m score is cut)
  6. knut is nuts as always on those a64.
  7. how are those points calculated? your complete points you have with all your submissions in a specific socket type(e.g. s775, etc.)?
  8. it's here on the bottom. member: http://hwbot.org/rankings/overclocker/worldwide teams: http://hwbot.org/rankings/teams/worldwide top 5 most active member of a team http://hwbot.org/community/team/pure?tab=members
  9. hi it's already here. http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/pentium_m_353_celeron?tab=info
  10. argh, damn shame on me, i've overlooked that
  11. could we also add an achivement for won/participated monthly competitions? (gold, silver, bronze, medal)
  12. try a different bios for tccd. there are different bios for tccd and bh5 on those boards
  13. it's a 1.4ghz, just look in the "specification" line in cpu-z. the cpus clocks stock with 14x100. it's an ES, so it runs with 100mhz fsb.
  14. your links are a bit messed up and don't work.
  15. thx guys. yeah the fsb wall is really crappy, but over 100% oc is not too shabby.
  16. added http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_neo_mv_28
  17. thx guys. on the coming friday i'll make new pics of my collection.
  18. nice pieter. how much vdimm did you apply?
  19. yeah the coldbug sucks, but your memory is awesome.
  20. ups, i edited it instead of copy, should be ok now http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_x700_xt_pci_e?tab=rankings
  21. edit: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_x700_xt_pci_e?tab=rankings
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