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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Awesome Wiggles! Great you'll be able to make it again!
  2. The Beard's slackin' as usual. He's nursing a busted wing atm
  3. Hi folks! The booking issue has been resolved. Our block of rooms is starting to fill up, we've got 2 left atm. For any of you planning to attend (and stay at the hotel), please make your reservations. They still have availability so I can get more rooms allocated but since I'd be personally be on the hook, will hold off until you give me an idea of who will still need them. As always, if you run in to any event or booking issues, please let me know. Venue, power (10k volts) and ln2 are all set Thanks everyone!!
  4. Apparently there's an issue with how the room block is booked. One attendee let me know that Sofitel didn't recognize "2018 Overclocking Party". I called, the event exists but it's under "Business Analytics LLC" and only the 2nd line has the 2018 OC Party. Getting that fixed on Monday but if you're booking and they can't find the group, give them the LLC name. Will update this thread when the issue's been fixed (Monday)
  5. Rooms are available at a rate of $209/night (plus local fees/taxes). You can reserve your rooms by calling the Sofitel at (215) 569-8300 during normal business hours and telling them you're with the "2018 Overclocking Party". That rate is for single or double occupancy. The charge for extra occupants is $20/person/night. If you find a cheaper rate, please let me know and I'll contact the hotel to get that lower rate for the rest of the group, too. If they tell you that the rooms are sold out, also let me know and I'll have more rooms added to our block. For folks outside the USA who don't want to spend the $ on an international call, let me know and I'll reserve your room for you. We're getting there!!!
  6. I got the dominators/hypers. Those gskill pis look promising...quite a few of those can do 2666c8 on air.
  7. Hyper goodness Can't believe those pi's are still up
  8. Yeah...those psc pis look pretty nice
  9. Pm sent. I'll take Dominator GT : 2x2gb 2000mhz 7-8-7-20 1.65v rev2.1Price : 90€
  10. Pm
  11. Where: Hotel Sofitel Philadelphia, 120 S 17th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Accomodations: We've got a block of rooms. Will post reservation details when they're available. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION YET as it's important to fill our allocated block. If you know you're coming and want a room between now and then, please let me know and I'll get it booked for you. To help folks save on expenses, please reply in the here letting us know whether you're willing or want to share a room with someone. .
  12. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION YET as it's important to fill our allocated block.
  13. Thanks to Corsair, we're on for our 3rd annual ln2 overclocking party! We're back in downtown Philly July 13th - 15th and hoping to make this year's event our best so far. Come hang out with some of the top USA computer overclockers. Admission is completely free and everyone from the hardcore to gamers to enthusiasts to the curious are very welcome. Please extend this invite to any of your friends (or acquaintances) who might be in to or curious (or maybe even only mildly interested hehe) in these kinda nerdy things ). In addition to extreme overclocking there will be free workshops, demos, competitions, prizes and other activities (and of course, plenty nice people, fun times and liquid nitrogen ). We've got over a block of rooms. Will post reservation details when they're available. If you know you're coming and want a room between now and then, please let me know and I'll get it booked for you. To help folks save on expenses, please reply in the main hwbot thread letting us know whether you're willing or want to share a room with someone. Arrangements can be worked out there. How to sign-up: To sign-up, please reply in this thread and (as best as possible) include the following information: - # of attendees- Bringing anyone with you or coming solo? Everyone's welcome (location is downtown Philly so there's lots of non-computer stuff to do, too). - Will you need a room? Would you be willing to share a room with another overclocker? - Any equipment you can bring to loan or will need to borrow (extension cords usually come in very handy) - direct link to your hwbot.org profile page (if available, if not, just let me know what name or nickname to use ) Hope to see you all there!! -Stefan =================================================================================================== Event Details: When: July 13-15 Where: Downtown Philadelphia, PA. Venue/Hotel TBA soon! Main sign-up thread: Tentative schedule 7/12: - Attendee welcome, room check-ins, equipment setups 7/13: - Round 1 of a TBD competition - Special TBD demonstration/workshop - Open benching (of course) 7/14: - Semi-finals and final of TBD competion - Special TBD demonstration/workshop - Open benching 7/15: - room check-outs - open benching - Award ceremony for competition winners - Awards for benchers who set the most new world records and 1st place hardware finishes - Raffle/giveaways - Teardown and out of the event room by 5pm ================================================== ================================================== = Confirmed Attendees (nick, hwbot profile, team, as applicable): - funsoul hwbot.org/user/funsoul/ Overclockers.com - steponz hwbot.org/user/steponz/ Pure - jiccman1965 hwbot.org/user/jiccman1965/ Overclockers.com - hotrod717 hwbot.org/user/hotrod717/ Overclockers.com (Please note that attendee list will only be updated on the hwbot thread.) Confirmed loaner pool items: - cpu pot, gpu pots, a few usb kbds/mice (funsoul) Loaner Pool Requests: - if anyone has a video camera they could bring along, that'd be great. We're hoping to do a little streaming of the most interesting stuff from the weekend. VOLUNTEERS WANTED: If you're willing to spend an hour or so of your weekend to give a workshop and/or present a demo on (more or less) anything overclocking, high performance computing or anything you think would be a good fit, please let me know. Sponsor: - Corsair www.corsair.com/ Thanks again everyone! Very psyched to meet friends old and new!
  14. I'll take the Hyperx Sammy kit. Pm sent.
  15. pm sent for the fluke 52 II
  16. Banging chip dude! Getting some great subs.
  17. Totally agree that the kpc heater is outstanding! It does seem to help with the rammyrammy but also seems like OP is looking for (ideally cheap) ram heating.
  18. That's for sockets not ram. You want something like this: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1481?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn87uut2d1wIVBI1pCh0IFgrvEAQYDyABEgJ1O_D_BwE Use some googlefu to find others before buying...this is just the first one I found (looks a little bulkier than ones I've got at home ). $4 ain't bad
  19. It was perhaps a little disorganized and on-the-fly but I for one had no problem figuring things out dude.
  20. When you have time...think you could update the first post to include other items and show which are sold, on hold, etc? May pick up a couple other things. How's one day this coming week for a meet up in Weehawken?
  21. how much for the ssds? Any extra psus?
  22. Let's add pump/rad/res (if FireKiller takes both rad's, I'd still take the pump/res). We'll figure out pricing and meet up details.
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