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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. There's no wired access and wireless is insanely pricey so no need for any networking gear.
  2. Great tip Lochekey! Awesome! Just bring yourself, some hardware and a pot. We shared dewars last year, wasn't a problem. Beautiful advice! Will probably do that myself! If it's not too much of a pita...know a good one next to the hotel? Nice! Glad you're making it Torin3! Good question... I'll leave it to the folks here (I'll be bringing my little, hand-made by Witchdoctor, one).
  3. Doh! Sorry sale_quiche, just posted in Luumi's wtb thread so he gets first shot. I'm not interested in selling the board, though...just looking for a good trade +/- cash for golden 1150 and/or 1151 cpus.
  4. In USA but pm sent anyway.
  5. CAxVIPER has some nice goodies up for sale: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=164513
  6. Yeah man...wish you could make it suzuki but I know it's not possible this year
  7. Happy Saturday folks! OK...I've booked my room. Wife's coming along for at least a couple days so am not able to share the room with other benchers. If you need a room, please book it asap. This coming Thursday night, any not-reserved rooms from our block of 10 will be added back to the hotel's general pool. If you miss the Thursday cut-off, the room rate would be whatever rate you can get on your own and there's no guarantee of availability.
  8. Beautiful! Glad you'll make it! Look forward to meeting you finally
  9. Has anyone booked rooms yet?
  10. yeah...skipping hardware listings. Might be worth having a loaner-borrower list, though? I'm totally flexible.
  11. Thanks folks! We're getting there!! The reservation process is now live! Please make your reservations asap as the final cut-off date is almost here. You can reserve a room either via phone (888-575-6397 Computer Overclocking Party) or on-line at https://aws.passkey.com/e/49250254 Please be sure to let me know (here or via pm) once you've reserved your room. Also...all attendees should provide your sizes on the Corsair spreadsheet. I've sent the url to most of you already but if you don't have it, let me know. Everyone should provide their sizes by this Friday. Thanks again to all of you! We've already surpassed last year's sign-ups (including a couple new to the scene folks woohoo!). Can't wait to see you all there. -Stefan
  12. Hiya Luumi! $224.50 eBay Item Number 292086079755 Wow...that's pricey. Taking a look around, looks like these cards are going for around $400
  13. Not sure if it helps at all but I recently spent $220 (including shipping) for a 980ti classy kpe with asic of around 75% iirc
  14. Cool man! So you're definitely in? As per my message, my wife is still on the fence but if she doesn't come to Philly, you and Strong can crash in my room.
  15. Haven't heard back from the folks below. Hoping most of them (as well as others) can make it! - TURNnBURN TURNnBURN @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - lnlcooling lnlcooling @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - Mr.Scott Mr.Scott @ HWBOT Warp9-systems - BeepBeep2 BeepBeep2 @ HWBOT - Gunslinger Gunslinger @ HWBOT PURE/KPC Pro - Torin3 http://hwbot.org/user/torin3/ Overclockers.com - Strong Island http://hwbot.org/user/strong_island/ Caseking & OcUK OC Team - GTIJason http://hwbot.org/user/gtijason/ Overclock.net - Johnd0e http://hwbot.org/user/Johnd0e/ Overclock.net - jpmboy http://hwbot.org/user/jpmboy/ Overclock.net/soloio
  16. Hoping to finalize the contract today (or Monday latest). We are guaranteed for 10 rooms (we can add more if needed). Hopefully we can figure out how many rooms we need shortly. I know that, at minimum we're at 3 so far (me, Joe and jiccman). Will also check the parking situation. Will provide all the details as soon as I have them.
  17. Thanks to steponz, the nice crew at performance-pcs has also agreed to support our little event Now we just need more confirmed attendees!
  18. Nice! Glad you'll be there!
  19. Yeah...was definitely thinking about you when I got the email from Marriott dude
  20. Excellent! ALL- Please do not try to reserve a room at Loews yet. Once I've signed the contract they'll provide a code for booking sleeping rooms. We have a guaranteed rate of $169.00 single/double occupancy; $25.00 each additional person Let me check whether the wife's coming or not (she's on the fence atm). If I'm flying solo, have no problem sharing a room with 1-2 other folks. Update: Post#1 (re) updated.
  21. Admins- Would one of you kindly change the party dates for the main thread title to 7/14-16? I tried but no workie
  22. Just got confirmation from Loews! Am getting it booked asap. Here's their reply "As for the 8 nitrogen tanks, non-flammable as you had stated, is fine. I have received approval for it from our Director of Engineering." Will update again as soon as I have more info.
  23. We have a problem Houston Marriott just notified me that due to the ln2 they are cancelling our reservation. I told them all about it repeatedly starting back in March. Now working on Plan B which is the same weekend but at Loews Philadelphia. The sales rep is working to confirm that we're good to go with the ln2. I should hear back today and, if good, will book it. The fall back plan is the Clarion in Harrisburg (same place as last year). The main issue there is that the party would be July 21-23. If Loews falls through, will book the Clarion tomorrow morning. Apologies again for all the hassles on this. Will post back as soon as I know anything.
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