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Everything posted by funsoul

  1. Has anyone tried to reserve a room? The process is still catching up, the Marriott contact just emailed me to advise that it may be 1-2 business days until we're set up to reserve.
  2. Sweet! Getting a room (guessing no by your location)? If so, please let me know when you've booked. Look forward to meeting you there!
  3. Post# 1 is now updated with the dates (7/14-16), venue, room rates, etc, etc (and, of course, that Corsair's agreed to sponsor us again! ) Please check the revised post/details and reply here if you're in! We're off!!!
  4. Working to get hardware together for the Party in PA. Would like to find 1-2 top 10 1150 cpus (showing max boints in 4 or more 2d benches) to run in my z97 ocf. Tia!
  5. We are on! Will update post#1 tonight but here's the info: Dates: July 14, 15, 16 Where: Marriott Courtyard Philadelphia Downtown Check-in will start Thursday afternoon. Benching will run from Friday morning through Sunday afternoon. We need to vacate the room by 5pm Sunday. Am getting 10 rooms blocked for us. Waiting for the paperwork to catch up and will post the code as soon as I have it. Would like to get the confirmed attendee list updated asap so please let me know if you'll be making it to the party. Thanks to all for the patience! - Stefan PS- Will issue refunds in the coming days for those that already paypaled their cash.
  6. Shooting to get everything locked down and booked tomorrow. I know the short notice is a pita...apologies Will post an update tomorrow.
  7. The Philly venue wants a fortune for an internet connection ($200/day for up to 10 people). Don't think we'll be doing any streaming this year. It's also about a 1/3 less space
  8. Hold the phone folks! Got word that Corsair's now in. Working on the Philly venue again and, if it's going to be there, we're looking at 7/14-16. Stay tuned. Hoping to get everything finalized quickly and will post an update as soon as it's available. -Stefan
  9. The official sign-up thread is here: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=170495 Harrisburg, PA July 21st-23rd, 3 days of benching fun with a great group of other benchers All-in price per bencher for the event room and ln2 is $175 including all fees, charges and taxes. Trying to get this figured out as quickly as possible so, if you're coming, please sign-up now Thank you!!! -Stefan
  10. * Corsair has offered to sponsor this event again. The nice peeps at Performance-pcs are also now providing support! Thanks out to steponz, the awesome folks at Corsair and Performance-pcs! * Hi Folks! Welcome to the official sign-up page for the Summer 2017 Northeast LN2 get-together and party! An event by benchers for benchers! All are welcome! We'll have a nice room and plenty of ln2. Hotel check-ins will start Thursday afternoon. The ln2 will be delivered Friday morning and we'll be benching Friday morning through Sunday. We're scheduled to be out of there by 5pm. If you're coming, please reply in this thread. WHEN: July 14 - 16 WHERE: Loews Philadelphia 1200 Market Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107 Phone: 215-627-1200 Reservations: 1-877-878-3629 We have a room rate of $169.00 single/double occupancy; $25.00 each additional person + applicable state and local taxes (currently 15.5%). We've got 10 rooms booked so if we need more, I need to let them know asap so please reply to this thread when you've made your reservation so we can keep an eye on the count. From the hotel: "As for the 8 nitrogen tanks, non-flammable as you had stated, is fine. I have received approval for it from our Director of Engineering." Again...last year was a major blast! Hopefully you'll be there! Best regards and looking forward to seeing you all, -Stefan =================================================================================================== To help folks save on expenses, please reply to this thread letting us know whether you're willing or want to share a room with someone.We'll try to get people matched up. In order to sign-up, please reply to this post and (as best as possible) include the following information: - # of attendees- Bringing anyone with you or coming solo? - Already have a reservation? Would you be willing to share a room with another bencher? - Any equipment you can bring to loan or will need to borrow - direct link to your hwbot.org profile page (if available) Any dewars, dispensing hoses, etc people can bring would be great. Just makes things so much easier. I'll bring my dewar, a dispensing hose and some thermoses. ===================================================================================================== Confirmed Attendees (nick, hwbot profile, team): - funsoul funsoul @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - steponz steponz @ HWBOT Pure - rtsurfer rtsurfer @ HWBOT Overclock.net - jiccman1965 jiccman1965 @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - Wiggles5289 http://hwbot.org/user/wiggles5289/ Overclock.net - hotrod717 hotrod717 @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - Lochekey Lochekey @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - filmbot http://hwbot.org/user/filmbot/ ocXtreme - aerotracks http://hwbot.org/user/aerotracks/ Game of Fire - MrBreeze http://hwbot.org/user/mrbreeze/ Overclock.net - Scarlet <-- no profile yet = Have a feeling that might change in the future - Gunslinger http://hwbot.org/user/Gunslinger/ PURE/KPC Pro - Torin3 http://hwbot.org/user/torin3/ Overclockers.com - Strong Island http://hwbot.org/user/strong_island/ Caseking & OcUK OC Team - GTIJason http://hwbot.org/user/gtijason/ Overclock.net - Johnd0e http://hwbot.org/user/Johnd0e/ Overclock.net - BeepBeep2 BeepBeep2 @ HWBOT - SGTTiny <<<=== woohoo!! another virgin!! - NoL (great guy, no profile, semi-retired ss/cascade builder) - jpmboy http://hwbot.org/user/jpmboy/ Overclock.net/soloio Tentative: - TURNnBURN TURNnBURN @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - lnlcooling lnlcooling @ HWBOT Overclockers.com - Mr.Scott http://hwbot.org/user/mr.scott/ Warp9-systems loaner pool items: - 1x cpu pot (funsoul) - 1x vga pot (funsoul) - misc ddr3/ddr4 (funsoul) - 1-2 monitors (funsoul) - 1x 1200watt psu (funsoul) - 4x usb keyboards and mice (funsoul) - 1x k-type, dual channel thermometer (funsoul) - 1x ram pot with all mounting hardware (funsoul) Loaner Pool Requests: People who want to or would be willing to share a room with another bencher:
  11. Thanks Strong...good info! I got mine working with the usb kbd/mouse (and no add-in card).
  12. Hope to hear back from people tomorrow and will get an update and sign-up thread posted asap. Yeah...don't have a corporate microcenter contact and doing something like this direct with an individual store brings all kinds of liability issues (plus we'd have to tear down and clear out every day). Wish I had enough space and powah runs...I'd just do it at my house. hehehe
  13. Awesome...thanks Mr.Breeze! Yeah...if the 12 confirmed peeps are still in then we'd just need 3 more people
  14. Still waiting for confirmation on the all-in price for the beblnching room but confirmed that the sleeping room rate will be $89/night (+tax). Also...although the benching room is available for the 14th-16th, the hotel is completely sold out. The party will be July 21st-23rd. Will update this thread when I know more. Beepbeep- haven't spoken to any other vendors
  15. UPDATE: With time getting short and having not heard back from Corsair, this party will now be a party strictly for us, by us. The cost per person will actually be lower than it would have been in Philly (at least for people not sharing rooms, see above comments). The only commitments or expectations will be our own. FUN is the name of the game with this get together!!!! I'll work with the venue and ln2 supplier to get an all-in price asap, come up with a total per person price then create an official sign-up thread. We need to move quickly so we'll have to set a closing date for the sign-ups. Once sufficient funds have been sent (or at least close anyway), will book the venue for the 14th-16th of July. If we don't get enough paid sign-ups by the end date, all funds will be returned. If more than enough people pay in, either partial refunds will be made or we'll spend it all on pizza and beer. Apologies for the long delay and lack of a confirmed set up so late in the game but am doing the best I can Stay tuned!!!
  16. For those that may be concerned about added travel costs from Philly to Harrisburg, maybe I could drive from Harrisburg to the Philly airport and provide a free ride.
  17. Estimated per person cost in Philly with Corsair sponsorship (excluding travel and taxes): $200/night x 3 = $600 Estimated per person cost in Harrisburg without Corsair: Hall + ln2 = $175 per person Room = $110/night x 3= $330 Total= $505
  18. Getting nervous as the time window is quickly closing and I've still not heard back from Corsair. Researched a Plan B. Last year's venue in Harrisburg has availability either of our target weekends. The rate is $500/day plus taxes. Still waiting to hear back on the best sleeping room rate they can give us but it's likely around $110 per day per room. Just as a point of reference, the rooms at either of our Philly venues are about $200 per room per night (so about $600 for Thursday check in, Sunday check out). Will have to check ln2 pricing but iirc it was under $1000. So...question for the group. If Corsair backs out, would you be willing to make this a self -funded party? The actual price of the benching room would be $1000 (benching Saturday and Sunday) or $1500 for benching Friday through Sunday. If we can get 15 people then it'd be $100 per person (plus taxes and sleeping room rate) plus about $75 per person for the ln2.. Thoughts? I'm game for anything the group wants to do but last year was so much fun, it'd be awesome to do something. Please let me know. Atm am honestly leaning toward Plan B. Net, net...we could self-fund in Harrisburg for less out of pocket expense than doing it in Philly.
  19. Nice Dario!!! Beautiful run...keep going!
  20. Not yet. Waiting to hear back from Corsair.
  21. Awesome guys! We'll get something together one way or another. Absolute worst case, we'll be back in the same place as last year (Harrisburg, PA). Hoping it doesn't come to that but will keep you all updated as things develop. Sent our proposal off to Joe. Hopefully he can get a quick turnaround from Corsair.
  22. Thanks guys! Pretty happy with the first go but efficiency is horrible. Will definitely be hitting you up again rt hehe
  23. Was hoping we'd get more sign-ups/votes by now but am also concerned about the tight (and evaporating quickly) timeline. Going to write something up for Corsair this coming week. Hopefully they give us the thumbs up. If not, we may be back in Harrisburg and have to fund it ourselves. If it comes to that I'll post up quotes for both Philly and Harrisburg venues and we take a vote. If everyone tried to get at least 1 more person, I think it'd get us to the right attendance range. Thoughts?
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