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newlife last won the day on June 8 2018

newlife had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Adelaide,South Australia


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    Take a guess its hwbot


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  1. I still need to get some decent memory but I'll join in with you guys when I get some free time
  2. What the fuck cunt? Crossfire isn't enabled nor does it support 3 cards
  3. Reporting someone's sub after it has already been mod approved is pretty low
  4. Really? They are pretty much picking on them and claiming they are cheaters so they frankly deserve worse given it's nothing but being buthurt as they got beaten by a highly skilled upcomer
  5. So much salt it's extremely funny and the butthurt over Daryl winning is just sad
  6. Was great to see @unityofsaints XP is extremely easy to get running on Z370
  7. Was definitely a great event and am looking forward to next year
  8. Nice frequency but did you try BDC? http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=86959
  9. You do realise that xtu has been easy to cheat numerous times before but never had the old subs removed just updated to stop cheats
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