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Everything posted by newlife

  1. That would be good to know and my hardware points for a 7600gt went up by 11 points same for all my XTU subs
  2. Got to make use of that stock amd cooler somehow
  3. The changes put far too much focus on global points and does very little to address the problem at hand with 3d which is very largely based around cost and basically more focus around lower end cards could encourage more people to bench 3d because most people are scared bunnyextractionless by the idea of overclocking and killing a high price card To give an idea on too much focus on global they triple but hardware points stay the same
  4. 2 in Asia but none in Australia is very disheartening
  5. Nice going to everyone involved The meet was awesome and offered an awesome chance to learn for some of the best
  6. Actually 9 days but first 24 hours was nothing but drinking
  7. If you want to help engage the community to bench 3d a good place to start would stuff like low end card comps and the likes which I'm perfectly happy to help with. Also if you manage to get people interested in having fun and enjoying what they are doing rather than focusing on point you might find people are a lot more willing to put the time and effort into 3d Personally I don't think separating GPU's based on high end and low end would encourage many people to bench because I reckon it goes much deeper than that
  8. That's awesome for a locked cpu
  9. Cheers, F2A88XN-Wifi and F2A88X-UP4 seem to be the gb boards to get
  10. Ice mixed with ethanol, propylene glycol and water with a temp of -8c
  11. If you can ss it you can go higher and pscheck might help and use f7 to save a valid to exe location easily and quickly plus you can edit the config file and change xoc=0 to xoc=1 to stop the stress test it does
  12. The whole problem with 3D is cost because cards such as the 980ti are priced far higher than high end gpus were in the past which makes people loss interest As for XTU it's pointless to use it as an example because it has far too many subs that inflate its points too much which has always annoyed me but it brings in a lot new the hwbot whom aren't limited to just 2d
  13. Is it possible to get the F2A88XM-UP4 changed to F2A88X-UP4 because the former doesn't exist http://hwbot.org/hardware/motherboard/f2a88xm-up4/
  14. Nice going APU 1.2v is the gpu core and with nb the max considered safe on ambient is 1.4v but do as you please
  15. I'm guessing the joke went right over your head
  16. Awesome efficiency and memory clocks! You know now I'm going to have to try again with that cpu
  17. Here's a couple of runs I've done 7400k - http://hwbot.org/submission/2988322_newlife_3dmark___fire_strike_radeon_r5_graphics_1555_marks Gpu volts was unknown because that board doesn't have a option to change it 7870k - http://hwbot.org/submission/3037715_ Was with ice water but didn't need it for 1248 it just helped with stability a bit and gpu volts at 1.4v same as NB Unfortunately I can't give out any tweaks as the CC is under way and I'd get shot but I can say drivers don't make a huge difference and windows 8 or 10 seems to be best Edit: To OC I use amd overdrive and amd master tweaker
  18. My KPC probe does -192 when submerged in ln2 and 0.5 with ice water
  19. I use large pellets and with acetone I get a pot temp of around -70 and with methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) I get about -65 I would think slow base is best for a cb cpu and fast would be best for full pot with no cb Nothing wrong with the amount of acetone you are using because just above the holes is what I say is perfect but I add the acetone after the dice and the pot cools down pretty quickly
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