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Everything posted by newlife

  1. it's a driver limitation not a board one and if possible it would require hacked GPU drivers
  2. Cheers man. If I ever give this ago again (no dewar) I think I should be able to get C6 to run based on how some stuff got posted on the team thread which would have helped me a lot if I knew before hand also cpu can't stand 2600+ on ambient. It runs RTLs IOLs at 40/41 5/5 2600 c8 with cpu on water but with cpu cold that changes to 39/40 4/4 and at 2666 c7 37/38 4/4
  3. On Win 7 XTU used to be effected by the RTC bug lol
  4. Both those subs are too good to be true based on my experience with 1 card given he isn't even using the best driver
  5. Thanks guys it's always nice when you can run 32m with a higher core clock than pretty much everything else but 1m which it's only 20mhz from Yeah it could post it but I wasn't able to get it stable although i didn't use TIM and the mems aren't anything special and were as cheap as you can get them for
  6. What's the Cpu clock? doesn't show in the SS
  7. Don't use xp instead use Win 7/8 64bit and AMD OpenCL 2.0 driver's you will see a huge benefit
  8. Are you talking for both or one because I've seen them sell for $100 each in Australia
  9. This is how
  10. My bad that makes it something around $150-160aud assuming post costs 40 ponds
  11. Overclockers UK has them for 40 euros and is only place I know that will ship to Australia although it costs as much as the epower for shipping https://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-241-EA
  12. All I can find on modding that IC http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showthread.php?p=42178130
  13. who wants to by my AMD cpu which is good for 4440mhz north bridge and stock is 1600mhz which is a 177.5% OC lol
  14. I think it depends on who your rep is because the Australians used to get it easily but for me no need as anything it does i can do plus more with artmoney which includes unlocking volts if the pwm supports it
  15. That's awesome man does that asain os make a difference over xp? Just seems weird to be running win 7 for 32m
  16. When a sub gets reported you get a email and it shows next My Account
  17. Nice going N00b in revealing the team cup before it's due
  18. Now i know this is for a different tablet but soc is the same so it may work http://www.arctablet.com/blog/featured/root-onda-v812-onda-v972-and-allwinner-a31-based-tablets/
  19. I know this is old but why do you need to root it to bench? What's methods and exploits have you tried to get it rooted? Have you got a custom recovery installed such as cwm or twrp?
  20. I am the same person who put 2.2v through a cpu so it's probably best not to listen to a word I say This guy knows how much hardware I've killed
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