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Everything posted by Alex@ro

  1. hey,2933 divider is max on 100 strap,for higher memory freq u can user 125,167 strap+bclk
  2. it's hard to say,i encountered the same,funny thing only with w7 x64,maybe something to do with intel mei?
  3. install a clean OS,i had this happened too on (M),thing are smooth with a clean install.This happened on w7 x64,xp 32 was fine lol
  4. sold,thanks:)
  5. You know The Stilt is a man with a high reputation when people reffer to him as a group of finnish overclockers ) http://www.techpowerup.com/187768/amd-a10-6800k-overclocked-to-8-2-ghz-breaks-and-sets-world-record.html Truth to be told,what The Stilt does is such an incredible job that is hard to believe only one man stands behind and has all this knowledge and skill
  6. 2x l313b878 and one 313b747 crap,need 1.35 for 4.5,5ghz not bootable
  7. Dropping price to 60E(final)
  8. Hello, I have for sale the first triple pot memory pot built by ryba and sf3d,exactly this one: http://www.overclocking-tv.com/content/news/13187/ Full package of course,used twice,excellent shape and comes with all mounting screws ofc,bonus the pot is isolated at outside with armaflex,as comes in pictures below,not glued or adhesive taped,so you can remove this easily if you want to do your own work. Price is 70E+shipping(15E in european union).Us and other continent buyes are welcome but please ask me before for a shipping quote.Not particulary interested in trades. Best regards!
  9. I can pay for your photoshop skills,they seem far above average,maybe we can work out a new wr or something ? Awesome plates
  10. Hmm,are you loading XMP profile or set them manually?Go for manual,set them 6-9-6-24-1T,leave secondary's as auto and try with twcl 7-8, and go for tertiary,should be agle to set something like this order in memtweakit: 4-5-5-20-6-6-4-6-6,set dimm voltage as 1.65,manually set multiplier for dd3-2000 and try ... Also how does it act,55 code or continuous restart loop?
  11. score is fine,there are some tweaks schenkel bros is not aware of and instead of working them out he decidded to accuse,really ugly thing...
  12. Awesome run zolkorn,but screen states avexir 3000 not gskill 2933
  13. try setting twcl manually at 8...
  14. Oh,if cold is coming then good.Awaiting your resuls.Make sure to replace liquid pro between die and ihs with gelic gc extreme,liquid not good for sub-zero
  15. very good shepeeu,u should test it under cold not running lynx
  16. My last session i played with new EK triple point memory pot. Memory used was gskill pi 2200 C7(psc) and cooling was dry ice.As you can see,mounting contact with plates is very good,quality of manufacturing is top-notch. End results was pretty good i think: 2666 6-11-6 twcl 6 all nice and tight Operating temperature was -60(idle) and went down to -52 after 32M run.Bare in mind memory had a voltage of 2.16V,not a walk in the park. My first memory experience under dice was with sf3d old triple point.Comparing these 2 at first you might say give internal volume the new EK will not perform well.WRONG!While the old sf3d pot dimm temperature went to -45 after a 32M run in same conditions the new ek triple point beat it by 7 degrees with smaller internal volume but also easier to mount near a big cpu pot. Quality of manufacturing is obviously excellent and i am impressed by this product.The new revision promises 30% more internal volume and some other tweaks,should be a blast to play with!
  17. air safe ? i think not,all people that killed their haswells apparently without reason ,all used 2.1Vccin+ on air. why do you need 2.2 vccin on air anyways?multiple tested chips here,all performed best when vccin was vcore+0.45-0.5V.on air you it means 2.0-2.05 vccin is more than enough.
  18. Nice job George,u deserve a very good chip
  19. had one like yours,5 ghza 1.48 32M,did 5600 on dice for 32M,with 1.7V I would not go cold with it...
  20. i meant i blunnyed my best retail with 1.52 on air,it does 5200 and 5000 vantage with 1.47
  21. I dont' know what you do to the poor cpu's but my experience with haswell is positive. had about 6 retails,all tested with 1.5V+ on air,no problems. Best retail: air 1.5V 2 cores 2001,4c8t for some vantage,fine. Took it on dice for 12+ hours: voltage from 1.6-1.7 3d+spi,-67 idle,-58 huge load(intel xtu).No degradation,absolutely nothing.Cache voltage 1.65,vccin 2.15. Took it back on air,it runs as day 1.It's either me i got a tough bastard accepting punishment with ease,or ...what?
  22. New score with psc on dice: ek pot for mem+dice is good combo,-52 under 32M run with 2.15V!
  23. I see no problem in that,hero is targeted to gamers more than ln2 benching.Good work on the review!
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