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Everything posted by giorgioprimo

  1. yes, mandatory for all ......
  2. I Will join, In HK airport now
  3. i will get one
  4. for freestyle ...will amd r290 be allowed ? just a tought ....maybe it is strong for vantage and heaven
  5. Arrival time is correct. There will be any shuttle service or anybody waithing for us ??
  6. interested, you have PM
  7. i'm done ..... had so many issue ....and the worste one is that I lost my futuremark compare URL ..... so probably I'm out also n the case that have a good position
  8. I'm pretty sure the most interesting pics Will be poster by Christofer....
  9. Would really like to hear same opinion from USA guys. Any tough about this ?
  10. https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/hwbotnews/2013-06/HWBOT+Wallpaper_S_1280x720.jpg
  11. right....and crystal clear
  12. that is the point were I like to bring everybody...... Anybody knows that stock titan cannot run certain clocks...... but how to prove it ? If the rules stay like now, i promise you, my "golden" titan will run at least 1700 .....and after finish my bench .....PUFF.....it suddenly will die, SO ??
  13. I think that my post was enough clear...
  14. "HOW" proove that "REFERENCE" is from MSI brand ??.......invoice ?? proove of purchase ? even with a pics of REFERENCE MSI fan, the card pcb itself could be from another manufacturer..... and "HOW" proove that we "REALLY" use the "REFERENCE ZOMBIE" ? This is not the point Tolsty....anybody here knows that you are able to realize a zombie with other vga, and maybe, even me following the right guide. The point is to analyze if those change, are FAIR and make the competition run in the right way.... DO you thing that all those change in rules are FAIR and RESPECTFUL to all of us ?
  15. Well, this is first time I’ll try to make a so long post because I usually try to spend my time benching or testing hardware, and after work and family I have little spare time to dedicate to my hobby. Besides that, I usually don’t wink in discussion like that, I just like to stay out and after everything is decided I just take my decision, but this time I’m really really mad about all this thing, and about the way somebody are driving this thing. We are not puppets to use as you like and dislike My english is not so good so I will try to express my thought with a kind of list: Round 1 after a long discussion was allowed to use Titan and haswell and it was already a rules change regard to the first rule (titan forbidden) 1) Nobody told anything about use epower or any other external pwm 2) Nobody told anything about how to check the use of just retail haswell 3) Nobody told anything about the chance to change the benchmark and hardware Round one class A winner (EMEA) used epower 1) Nobody told anything about that Round 2: Vivi started this discussion asking what you like or don’t like. That is why I don’t like your way Vivi: Was already decided that Titan was allowed and nobody told anything about benchmark. Results of the discussion was to change benchmark ion class B and forbid use no MSI external PWM. CLASS B Change benchmark (IMHO) is disrespectful to the competitors because is not gonna be anymore a cheap way to join the competition, people which already spend money to bin a 3570 now need to bin also a 2600…which is an old technology, and have no sense for a new competition about new technology…. So why change the benchmark during the competition ?? Forbid the use of epower is again disrespectful, because to find now a 560 448 is pretty difficult, and those who have a regular 560 cannot use an external (excluding MSI ….. 580 lightning is still expensive) pwm to make it stronger …..@ THE ORGANIZATOR /REPSONSIBLE/MARKETING PEOPLE /AND SO ON….Do you know how much expensive is that and how much time it keep ? CLASS A People bought titan and epower, and modded vga. Just because for a logic way, nobody said anything about epower. Let’s take my case: I have 2 titan already properly modded (2000 euro value plus 500 euro form hardware and modding time), yes, I’m already well prepared (what is bad about that ? rules were clear from day one ….so what is the problem if I wanna be competitive to try to get my ticket?) I also have a working 580 lightning (200 euro value) and a working 7970 lightning (300 euro value). Now I should unmod the vga, (risking to kill them) kill my 580 or 7970 lightning and try to find the right way to connect it to my titan (if they are still alive). That is because somebody ( I don’t understand who and why) dosen’t like (just now ???? couldn’t you think about that before starting competition ?) external pwm from any other manufacturer ? @ THE ORGANIZATOR /REPSONSIBLE/MARKETING PEOPLE /AND SO ON….Do you know how much expensive is that and how much time it keep ? Do you think this is a kind of respect of the OC community? To get a ticket to Taipei ?? Do you think it is worth? Yes I like to compete, but not at this cost . YOU should consider that and made the rules clear for each stage from day one @ rules and organization 1) rules must be clear and fixed from day one 2) for 2 stage competition, you should have told from day one, clearly what are the benchmark for stage one and what are the benchmark for stage 2. What is allowed for stage one and what is not allowed for stage 2. If you don’t like to use external pwm you MUST tell from day one before all the competition starts. To respect the competitors who join (all of them) you must allow them to plan the way to challenge from day one to the end, because a competition like that is extremely competitive, and extremely expensive . Much more expensive that the prize which you provide. And again is absolutely disrespectful (even for the money anybody already spent) to change the LOGICAL rules just 2 days before the second round of a competition (even if you reserve the chance to change any rules without advice when you like….) @ use or not use some other brand pwm anybody knows that the only other brand pwm which we are talking about is epower. At this point the THE ORGANIZATOR /REPSONSIBLE/MARKETING PEOPLE /AND SO ON IMHO, could only say if is possible to use external pwm or no possible to use external pwm. Say that is possible to use just MSI external PWM is no respectful, no democratic , no fair to those people which already spent money (lot of money…..and this is not a joke) If you still insist to use MSI pwm you MUST provide dead lightning to anybody of us and the scheme about the way to wire and use it. I don’t know lot of people able to do that themselves, and again, 2 days before competition starts, is extremely disrespectful Somebody can say that is possible to use 2900xt external pwm ……but HOW TO CHECK THAT THIS IS FROM MSI BRAND ?? @about validation if you ask to not use external pwm (no any external pwm) you need a movie to prove it, it must be High Res movie and must be also for 2D benchmark because if I will see 6400 mhz and more 32m with retail haswell, I promise I will find a golden titan to run 1800 on stock pwm. The movie must be without cut, and exactly show the score to be validated……this gonna be ridiculous LOL @ MASSMAN no man……it is too simple to say “there are thing I cannot change” YOU are the guarantor of this comeptition, you should have thought all this mess before the competition starts and dialed with MSI CLARELY RULES AND DECISION. YOU should have explained to them what is right and not right for the OC community and OC spirit and OC fun (as you always talked in the past), without giving the competitors chance to make discussion like that. And…..you shouldn’t have accepted compromise if the rules were not clearly stated from day one……. So no, please besides the way which this thing will take, and beside the MSI decision tell us what is your own opinion about: 1)change rules in the middle of competition 2) change benchmark in the middle of competition 3)allow or disallow other brand external pwm (in the middle of competition) 4)transform class B in something quite expensive like class A @MSI I would like to see and OFFICIAL PR clearly telling us in a crystal way the rules for this fxxxxxing round 2…….please @all the competitors (EMEA, APAC, AMERICA) please take the patience to read this my post and say what you think about that……. PS from wen I start to overclock and joined HWBOT that is the really first time that I feel myself so mad, so angry so….. fxxxxxing heavily teased and this is not because i wnat absolutly to take a ticket (even with the use of epower there are more stronger competitors than me) it is because i don't like to feel myself being treated like a monkey...........
  16. I'm on mobile phone now...... I cannot Write everyrhing I Like, so I Will make an exaustive post tonight. @ vivi I don't think you are playing in a fair way with all this trhead... @ verification video, If it Will be mandatory, Must be the same also For hasewell benchmark I was confirmed that a right photoschop skilled People, can modificate screenshot and nobody can recognize it @ massman....I Always respected you.... But this time I think you should take Care more about the feeling of the community you rappresent and wich made hwbot grow up
  17. that is why this thing is gonna be quite ridicolous first round allowed .....second round disallowed ?? is that fair ?
  18. this is ........ridiculous
  19. Seriusly ?? So we Will have some stock titnas who Will run 1700 gpu clock..
  20. This is gonna be a mess Say titan or 780 allowed without external Voltage regulator is like to say push Your vga till you Kill it. And change rules again during competition is something absolutly disrespectfull to the competitors, who already spent a bunch of Money for this contest. 4 days to start.....and still dealing about the rules and hardware ??? Came on .....please !!!! So.... And if external Voltage regulator is not allowed..... How do they check and control it ? They are gonna put a cup to the gpu frequency ?
  21. Confirmed ??
  22. Pro must be without limit....like F1 . But in F1 driver are not gonna pay to buy cars. To be honest i really admire people like Nick, Andre and Vince that can play with those kind of hardware, and be payed to do that. besides that they have also the best mechanic to prepare their cars (shamino and tin....) that are payed by the sponsor as well, I would like to do the same, and in the past i spent so much money from my pocket, but to be honest at the moment I cannot spend 10000 euro or even more for each stage. Again pro cup should be without limitation, but in this way is frustrating because we all know that we'll have always the same winner .....
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