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Mean Machine

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Everything posted by Mean Machine

  1. What if I press F3? Is that yet another sign of my not-so-fully developed intelligence?
  2. It might be a sign that you suck even more badly than Massman.
  3. I visited myself. The only "problem" is that I'm at work. Glad to hear it was to your liking though.
  4. My mems are due to arrive today with Fedex. Thanks Geil. Now, let's all visit http://Geil.de in their honor!
  5. Your mat gives me even more theories as to your mental health.
  6. I like how this turned on me already. I'm not judging anything, but I suspect that it's the usual: who's supported by who, and that other people don't think they deserve it. Other than that, Hyperhorn is right, and I'm just here to enjoy myself at the moment, not to make even more enemies.
  7. To be honest, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. That's what I think mostly. There's always some sense of pride in trying to be the best in your country, and Italy being quite populated, I can understand that there's going to be some hard feelings between overclockers, but in the end, openly fighting doesn't lead to anything good. Just ask the danes, that's why nobody worried about their public image supports them anymore. A select few ruined it for a bigger group. Not saying that there aren't any tensions in Sweden either, but then again, there's like two people who know what they're doing (winning everything), a bunch of peasants (the "why can't I go to the MOA finals this time" and moralizing type) and then me, sort of producing an OK score every six months, laughing at the aforementioned muppets. Luckily, us Swedes are too shy to confront people with our thoughts and feelings.
  8. I'm trying to understand, but I'm failing.
  9. Putain! Pour un baguette merde.
  10. Yes, give us awards for winning competitions, now that even I have won.
  11. Just like cyclone says, 20 points can and probably will make the difference. 300MHz CPU will definitely give that kind of advantage, and you'll need every last bit of what you can get.
  12. Thanks. And even though you're kidding, I still feel I gotta say that the usual practice is that whoever sets a score first is placed highest.
  13. Yaaaaay, I finally won something. Turns out you just gotta aim for whatever the others can't be bothered to try for.
  14. Are you using GPU Tweak and the hack? I'm having "slight" issues with the memory voltage setting itself to 2.02V as 3D clocks...
  15. I'm sort of with you on the rule part, but then again... Were you ever participating for anything else than the lucky draw? Besides, I suppose the "multi-nationals" are the ones moving the goal posts. I personally don't see any problems with changing the rules this early on, as long as they're clear and won't be changed again.
  16. Sick. I didn't want to have to try and beat that this weekend, but I'll have to try. Nice frequencies!
  17. There's one ticket for the MOA final for the combined winner of the three stages.
  18. I love that you've misspelled "Overclocking" in the team name.
  19. So no comment on the x50 "limit" issue?
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