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Mean Machine

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Everything posted by Mean Machine

  1. There will be an aftermovie of sorts, so don't worry about that not happening. It might be a bit different, but definitely devoid of french accents. There will be cameras to smile for. There will be interviews.
  2. Not exactly hard to just swap disks. Tweaking within a given time frame is a part of every live competition, meaning it shouldn't be a problem really.
  3. I've booted at 109.8MHz. Not many times, and definitely not two times in a row, but I did.
  4. That post gives you a well-cemented place in the Christian Ney hall of retards.
  5. Laugh, Queer, Laugh?
  6. ...But you can always visit Geil.de to show your support.
  7. Gotta know which rail goes to where, and total OCP is 85A. So...
  8. So, there will be no 3D records, the CPUs will burn, no efficiency in 32M due to crappy RAM and PSU will OCP over 1300MHz GPU.
  9. '03/Vantage/32M last year, if I'm not mistaken. Which I probably am.
  10. Good thing I didn't qualify. I'd be beaten badly with every other benchmark, with 01 and 32M, I'd be humiliated.
  11. Haha, not too sure about how interested the average guy will be in that. It's like "hey, here's 20 minutes of video, of which five are about how they check if someone's cheating".
  12. ...And how does that happen? I mean, removing the S/N sticker isn't too hard. Spotting ME4ME's own card isn't hard either, just see if the IHS is removed.
  13. I think the problem lies in the ability to check if someone actually brings the "wrong" card with them. MSI usually sends out a card in advance. Well, easily solved, just send one for pretesting that has to be returned, two new ones once you're there.
  14. ...Obviously not. Probably just forgot to change from stock to LN2 in the field...
  15. Not sure how cheerful the average 980X is, but I for one ain't holding my breath for SB-E.
  16. Your office sounds really tight. Can't be too much difference in price though, but previously I think there was a "cap" at about 1000€ per european contestant. Since you'll probably be flying Aeroflot, I doubt price is a problem, getting there sounds like more of a gamble.
  17. I think the more pressing issue is where he finds his sense of humor.
  18. I might surprise you in a similar fashion later on.
  19. I've got three 2600K that does 109.8MHz, of which one does 110.2.
  20. I don't consider myself so unlucky, except perhaps the EU finals. Hazzan and Cyclone/T0lsty though, burning those CPU's... I don't wish that to anyone. You can always top up my account with a few hundred points if you feel sorry for me.
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