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Everything posted by nickolp1974

  1. My moneys on the 631 being the better chip, get that Apex to work!!
  2. Noooooooooo, leave in box, return and forget??........
  3. Just had a quick play on cold, i miss that crack! Had a few issues and quite a few 124 bsods and 9c but managed cine R15 at 6635mhz 62 cache with 4k mems 1.83v, tried for 6.7@1.87v got 50% of the way through before throwing a 124
  4. Ooops sorry, must of not pressed send when i replied. Pot no longer for sale at this moment, sorry.
  5. just re ran mine but on clean win7, delid and used liquid metal, ambient water cooled and using MOCF Batch# L639G049 couldn't quite get x54 to run cant run 5.4 but dropping bclk 0.2 will run this
  6. Good on ya Gav! Nice picture!
  7. 50/45/3600 1.23v 51/45/3600 1.28v 52/45/3600 1.34v 53/45/3600 upto 1.46v 5 secs fail 5263/4454/3646 1.44v 88c
  8. Ok should we keep in line then hwbotters?? Start at 50/45/36 and raise core to check scaling?? I'll have a go later and post.
  9. Yeah likewise, well wont be taking it cold until the apex. Been 11 months for me so i can wait a little longer!
  10. Not seen much info apart from the odd FB post and of course the subs here, so it would be nice to see others findings and not just the end result.
  11. Testing criteria 5000mhz core, 4500mhz cache, 3600mhz mems (if possible), test for lowest vcore for Cinebench R15! For scaling testing: Increase core by 1 multi to check scaling and post your results (with a screenshot) List proper batch nr, the CPU VID, the Vcore needed for 5GHz, CPU delidded yes or no, the Mobo type and used cooling See post #56 for my results Here's the current HWBOT listing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16KxS63ka2cnht2HYbjXVtx9hcqc-ZhRatDBD2x8Up7k/edit?usp=sharing
  12. Sensible offers invited
  13. I have here a brand new Kingpin dark F1 cpu pot, purchased around 4 months with the intention of coming back to XOC but at this point i just have no time. Looking for £200+ shipping paid via Paypal, as gift or you pay the fee's. PM for anymore info that you require, Nick
  14. So have a black KP Dragon F1 brand new in its box, never seen cold! price?? Z170M OCF, about 5 hours of air use, looks as new, boxed etc G.skill tridentz 3600 C15 2x8gb, do usual 12-11-11-28 4ghz+ only checked for this so not pushed, no need! Prices please
  15. Sssssshhh! Dont tell anyone!
  16. Any takers at £100 + shipping?
  17. UP and price reduction!
  18. Bought this i3 off XA a few months ago and not had time to bench it or the desire tbh, details can be found in his first CPU sale thread, it was the best one out of the 2, i'll try and find it and put a link here. #5 cpu from here http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=159904 Looking for £135 + shipping, NOW £120 + ship Thanks for looking.
  19. Defo up for it Maybe febuary?? For some Kabylake torturing
  20. A Family!! the adams or something more normal?? I would like to say a big thank you to you Gav for taking the reins and for having the passion to drive things forward. Really hoping that a meet can be arranged so we can all get together and have some fun, thoroughly enjoyed The last one "The Big Freeze" as i got to meet some new people, always nice to put a face to a name and big respect to Rauf, Luumi, kickapus(soz dave i never remember how its spelt!) and Kenny for making the long journey to be with us all, cheers fella's. Anyway a big pat on the back from me Gav and i'm always here to help in anyway i can, thanks buddy
  21. Since Nvidia started charging the earth for there VGA's! In all seriousness, i don't have a problem with a fee for any contest, it wont be cheap for tickets, hotel etc unless its Dan then a €5 bus ticket will do!! But maybe to make it more appealing in future, say for instance intel are providing the 6950X, you could of asked for 3 prizes of a 7700k(or whatever the name) and then the other ones, basically lower in value stuff but more of it. Also i cant off the top of my head remeber all the rules so this comment maybe totally irrelevent, if pepole are having to pay then so should there hardware be, in otherwords no vendor cherry picked hardware should be allowed.
  22. Man that sucks, fantastic CPU
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