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Everything posted by nickolp1974

  1. Thanks for the clarification.
  2. So to clarify, is the wallpaper made available before October the 10th so benching can be done and then submitted in the final week?? If its not made available till the 10th then thats gonna make it hard for some. Nice comp.
  3. Not got a cpu pot you want rid of have you Dan?
  4. Think it was £80 when i sent mine to Romania
  5. if this was on a gigabyte board i'd of believed it but not a chance on asus............
  6. Still looking! Anyone know delivery timescale on a new one?
  7. My 2c! I'd imagine a good number of the older generation Overclockers started there passionate hobby to indeed get more FPS because hardware was lacking and most probably behind the software/games so OC was born to get those numbers up and it snowballs on from there. People are less interested because now it is the other way round, the hardware exceeds what is being played so no need to overclock or very little. Even cheap vga's are capable of playing the latest games, yeah you may have to turn some settings down but they play good. The folk with the lower end kit are more likely to OC but there hardly ever going to get into more exotic cooling as it costs too much and if they could afford they would just buy better components. I believe once the current breed of overclockers finish there term there will not be much left of the scene, simply because there is no demand due to what i have said above. You will always have a handful of people doing it, it gets in your blood and theres no turning back! The heady days of OC are coming to an end, not extinct but close and i for one wish it wasn't
  8. You can hire one from mansfield cryo (ask for Pete), about £40 for a 50L and a £1per litre (cash) for the Ln2, just mention me, lewis(obscure paradox) or Brendan (maddutch) Can also vouch for Harry, great lad and i beliive he has dewar for sale too.
  9. I feel it would be good to see AMD and NVIDIA seperated, and i know globals are awarded generally to the latest and greatest but in this instance could they be awarded to both sides?? Or give half to both. Wouldn't it be a pita to categorise with a class idea, "low" too "ultra"?? An Amd card may start in mid end and after a year of driver optimisations could be classed as a high end card. Splitting and awarding globals to both sides would also enable a cheaper alternative to getting said globals instead of the points always going to the lucky few who can afford the top Nvidia cards.
  10. Interested in pot but as per rules i wanna see a picture with your name/date next to it and unless someone can vouch for you having only 1 post would you send 1st, i'll pay 20% deposit and remainder upon delivery??
  11. Yes i did thanks Michal
  12. Any idea of ETA XA?
  13. Anyone have one they would like to sell??
  14. @Massman, so when is this new revision going to be implemented, do you have an approx date in mind??
  15. I got vaseline in the socket by accident when heating up the vas around the board, caused nothing but issues when running around -180c on skylake, the board had to be rescued by cleaning it all off in the dishwasher, all ok after doing this.
  16. Nice one Luumi, shame i dont have my old kit, was hardly pushing mine
  17. Tried to do mine lewis and found only way was to edit and recalculate each sub, takes an age, not done em all but would like them all to be recalculated. If you have any joy with CN can you give me a shout please
  18. Although you mean well i actually find this totally disrespectful to your forum members and is maybe a coment that should of been kept to yourself. Your forum members should always be your #1 priority and without them you are nothing.
  19. Wished i'd of kept some bits back to have a crack at this nice score splave and grats on the g.skill comp.
  20. nickolp1974


    All sold, 1 on the way to usa and the rest collected, thx for the space hwbot
  21. nickolp1974


    Replied, unfortunately the 4870X2 has been sold.
  22. Morning Henk there are 10x normal straight conectors in red 2 of the above in white 4x of the long rotary 45's in red and 2x in white, normally £18 each! 2x short rotary 90's red 1x short 90 red 1x short rotary 45 2 x silver Q(3 way) connectors 1x black rotary Q connector 1x black fill port 2x red g1/4 plugs and 2x white Unfortunatley no pumps or anything, quite a few fans, EK varder's 3000rpm and pirahna's
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