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Everything posted by Johan45

  1. At present highest memory divider is 3200 on only some(CHVI) boards. On top of that the subtimings are locked out . The only way to tighten sub-timings at present is to use a lower divider like 2666 and use BCLK to raise ram speed after that. That's the only way to get a mem clock like this
  2. Looking at your ambient subs with memory in mind I see you already only run 2666 likely because of the memory itself. I wouldn't be surprised since there's already and issue between it and the CPU usning LN2 just aggrevated that condition. I was using some G.Skill 3600, normally (ambient) I can run them up to 36-3700 but cold I had to drop to 2933 just to keep it booting. After I dropped speed I had no issues with re-boots eve at -180°
  3. Did you have the LN2 jumper set? That should eliminate a lot of those issues on the CHVI
  4. Thanks, just too bad it ran out of gas. I was all excited when I finished at 5.0 with 1.6v(BIOS) then it just hit the wall.
  5. I'd just like to show you that window borders don't mean a thing. I removed the sub to keep the peace, it's done it's job of showing there is no way to really tell whether or not Windows 10 or 7 was used. That's the cool part about SW these days. Win10 can look like Win 7 and vice versa.
  6. It's win 7 like the rest of my subs today. Johan45`s Cinebench - R11.5 score: 26.11 points with a Ryzen 7 1700XJohan45`s SuperPi - 32M score: 7min 5sec 101ms with a Ryzen 7 1700X Go whine to someone who cares, this is just retaliation from me calling out your Win10 sub and the ridiculous argument you had for justifying it. That's why I reported it
  7. In my testing I found that with a few reboots, I can get a nice 30-60 second bump in my 32M score thanks to the Win10 bug, don't have to change anything in Windows. I can do this pretty consistently too. Try it, you'll see. Like Mr.Scott says if your Win7 runs are better why didn't you post those ?? This had nothing to do with beating my score which I removed because it wasn't allowed.
  8. Looks like a lot of the results in the OP are being run with Win10 which is obviously bugged and not allowed
  9. Thanks, that did help my SPI but wPrime 32m is still slower. I also disabled any performance bias.
  10. I'll give that a try and see if it helps at all
  11. Not a criticism, just an observation. When the 0902 BIOS was released something between it and 5803 really trashed the wPrime and SPi scores. At least for me it did. I have tried everything I can think of but can't get close to the scores I got before. A full second difference in wPrime 32m is a lot and about a minute in SPi32m
  12. Thanks elmor, I appreciate the candor and all the work you guys have put into this issue to get it resolved ASAP.
  13. I figured this is a better place to ask. Taken from OCN Is there any easy way to tell which ones are affected and if this is actually fixable through BIOS to the extent that higher voltages while benching cold aren't going to kill my next board?
  14. Yep but my Crosshair took a nosedive with the BIOS updating bug. So Just waiting on a replacement ATM. Then more testing. I have a 1700x here to but... no mobo
  15. Yep looks like a really close race right now. Greece is coming on strong!
  16. When submitting and adding unlocked shaders for GFX cards the message is spelled wrong in results. It says shareds instead of shaders
  17. Is that the full list of stops? Or are there more to be determined. I didn't see a Canadian stop this year.
  18. Well still no love but I can't blame 4.48 any more the problem is weirder than that. This is a copy from my homesite just to give you an idea of what I've been up against.
  19. That's odd though. This is an out of the box Win7 SP1 no changes or disables services with CPU/GPUz, 3DmarkVantage and PrecisionX installed. That's all, everything works fine until I install Sysinfo 4.48. Just remembers TurboV. I'll uninstall that and see. It's the only SW that isn't manadatory and works low level
  20. Last night I was trying to run 3DVan for stage 6 and I swear every time I installed Sysinfo 4.48 it totally ruined everything. From GUI freezing at launch or CPU tests refusing to start. It was just 3DVan too. I installed Catzilla and it ran fine. I spent a couple hours messing with it and finally had to give up before I threw something. I think I need a full OS install AGAIN! I really don't see the point of having to jump through hoops for this when running Win7 or why we need "special" submission rules for competitions.
  21. via Imgflip Meme Generator
  22. That's so lame it's funny
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