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Everything posted by Johan45

  1. Couldn't this possibly encourage more HW sharing to keep the top scores very close?
  2. That's a great idea xxbassplayerxx, things were a bit frustrating to say the least. I agree a central spot to sbmit and display issues/solutions/rulings would make things much easier.
  3. Awesome, our crew is building.
  4. Hells yeah, I'm game. We could probably drag marc into it for the big guns. And yes some of them were just too hard to find parts/people to participate.
  5. Maybe we can actually get some interest in it this year. I tried a few places but just seemed that no one was interested in pulling for the Great White North.
  6. Good call, it hasn't failed yet and like Rasparthe I live in the country so power can be ifffy. I've just been lucky, now if it can hold out for another day or so.
  7. I've had fun with it to be honest. It was a nice change from the everyday pushing and had challenges of it's own.
  8. Sure would be interesting. I realize this is a big job and decisions made will never make everyone happy.
  9. That may be so websmile, I have heard that some of the older HW was problematic but the validations that were attempted with new HW that are rejected are the result of what I posted earlier. Some boards the HTT frequency will fluctuate and when "I" was trying to validate on the lowest reaches of that fluctuation it was rejected. When I validated at or near the actual BIOS setting it was accepted. I guess my point was, HWBot already has a specific set of rules that we follow daily. My interpretation is that the rejected results are not valid so by the rules should be disallowed. If that CPU/board won't validate where you want it to then pick something else. I just "assumed" the spirit of the competition was to "find" hardware that would give you an accepted validation at the lowest speed you could get.
  10. Oh so does that mean that all the rejected intel subs will be removed then and we no longer need a CPUz link in general? We could just go back to SS only for validation would that be enough. Glitch or not it's not valid, someone is riding the HTT link and rolling the dice, I had the same thing happen it's only valid if CPU-z can CORRECTLY read the speed. That's why it has checks built into the validation site I would assume. So I think it's pretty cut and dry websmile, if it says rejected it's no good. It wouldn't cut it outside the competition so why make exceptions?
  11. So what is the verdict? Are CPUz rejected validations going to be allowed in the low clock challenges? I thought that WAS part of the challenge?
  12. If any of them are bugged it's the 2332 run that's in first right now. That looks very out of place and not all the test scores are showing.
  13. I'll make this more clear, in the CPU low clock many of the subs are rejected by CPUz if you follow the links. Are these still legitimate
  14. Thanks, I actually have one that's 4 seconds faster. http://hwbot.org/submission/2909360_johan45_gpupi_for_cpu___1b_fx_9370_3min_8sec_780ms/
  15. That's pretty sweet, thanks guys and thanks to FM for letting us use them.
  16. Quick question since I couldn't find any real clarification anywhere. Is it allowable to change batch size or does the bench have to be run as is with no alterations ? TIA EDIT: got my answer and the changes are allowable.
  17. Thanks for the tips but more volts didn't seem to do much for it either, just seemed to crash sooner. I did manage just over 8 but failed in the validation. There's always another day.
  18. I noticed that someone is using dual CPU opteron engineering samples. Are those allowed?
  19. Thanks massman
  20. I'm trying to submit with a 7850K kaveri and it's saying that the r7 SERIES 512 SHADER ISN'T ALLOWED for the competition. It's still the integrated graphics on the CPU. Also are Athlon non APU allowed for the % OC for CPU? Thanks Johan45
  21. We're a couple of weeks away and just wondered if there was any update to this or if it's just going to be a surprise?
  22. OK thanks, it's an 8 hour drive and I just want to be prepped to save any nasty surprises.
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