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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Thank you for making this thread my good old friend @chew* . It is very helpful and need it as guidance for everyone. Keep up the good work amigo. 👍 Regards: Angelo
  2. Thank you amigo Kaliz. I'm giving the Nova a break ;) . cpu is very good in ambient and loves high temps but it hates anything cold , no subzero on this one :(
  3. Awesome score Allen ! job well done, congratz on the Gold.
  4. Thanks Sharon. yes , this cpu hates cold , it wont play nice on SS.
  5. Good job , awesome ram speeds, well done !
  6. Holy score Batman 😁 , great job Allen. the little board Asrock B650M HDV/M.2 strikes again ...
  7. Strong score , congratz amigo. Baby monster 790i is doing great !
  8. 300K + 3dm01 instalike 😁 , great job Janko , awesome 01 score bro.
  9. Great job and awesome score Aaron , very efficient run , well done amigo. The tiny Asrock B650M hdv-m.2 strikes again :D
  10. Amazing little chip there Allen , awesome score , congratz on the Gold !
  11. Excellent efficiency , crazy cpu , well done Janko !
  12. Amazing ram overclocking going on there , first amd cpu ever to do 10800Mhz memory oc. Well done ! next step ln2 on imc and ram my guess. Asrock B650M hdv/m.2 strikes again
  13. Awesome job Sharon , well done my brother. Congratulations on the Gold !
  14. Awesome score bro , beast mode On i see :D . Well done and congratz on the Gold.
  15. https://wccftech.com/asrock-110-us-b650-motherboard-sets-overclocking-world-record-amd-ryzen-9-7950x-cpu/
  16. By Hassan Mujtaba at - https://wccftech.com/asrock-110-us-b650-motherboard-sets-overclocking-world-record-amd-ryzen-9-7950x-cpu/ When we talk about extreme overclocking and breaking world records with the latest CPUs, we almost entirely expect it to be achieved on a flagship or high-end motherboard that costs several hundred dollars but what if an entry-level motherboard were to set world records using one of the fastest multi-threaded CPUs on the consumer segment? Well, ASRock has achieved just that with its $110 US B650 motherboard. A New Entry-Level Overclocking Legend Is Born! ASRock's B650M-HDV/M.2 Motherboard Achieves Record Shattering Performance With AMD's Ryzen 9 7950X CPU I was shocked myself when I learned about this overclocking achievement from the Canadian enthusiast and overclocker, SaltyCroissant, who used the ASRock B650M-HDV/M.2 motherboard and an AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core CPU to break into the highest-performance world record ever-recorded on a 16-core chip. The overclocking was done with extreme cooling such as Liquid Nitrogen which kept the behemoth AMD Ryzen 9 7950X CPU running at 6.834 GHz across all of its cores and what's impressive is that it was done on the ASRock B650M-HDV/M.2 motherboard which has a 8+2+1 phase design. This is an entry-level motherboard and usually what you'd expect is to see such overclocks on super high-end motherboards with a higher number of VRMs than what is featured on B650M. With the correct settings applied, the ASRock B650M-HDV/M.2 was able to keep the AMD Ryzen 9 7950X CPU running stable in the 7-ZIP benchmark in which it achieved the 16 Core CPU OC record and also the fastest performance ever recorded for the CPU itself in this particular benchmark. The score was 306,686 MIPS. Overclocking legends such as SPLAVE & SAFEDISK congratulated Salty on his achievement and it looks like this motherboard might be the best performance per dollar board ever made in recent history. That statement might be true since the ASRock B650M-HDV/M.2 costs just $110 US at Microcenter and can even be found at other retail outlets for $139 US which is still a great price given its superb OC capabilities. It goes off to show that one shouldn't doubt entry-level motherboards just because of their prices. There are hidden gems all around us and once again proves that the OC enthusiast space is helping people discover some amazing components for their latest PC builds. * Congratulations @saltycroissant on this remarkable achievement * Source: https://wccftech.com/asrock-110-us-b650-motherboard-sets-overclocking-world-record-amd-ryzen-9-7950x-cpu/
  17. Awesome memory overclocking right there Kaliz , well done and congratz ! The little asrock b650m-hdv/m2 strikes again :D ...
  18. Great job on the little ASRock B650M-HDV/M.2 , amazing memory clocks , well done amigo ! Keep pushing ...
  19. Well done Salty. Congratulations on the Gold.That little 2 dimm Asrock board is something else :D
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