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Everything posted by Doug2507

  1. Sorted.
  2. Very nice work man, tempted but too much going on right now. GLWS!
  3. What are the other two Wiz?
  4. Cool, thanks guys.
  5. Thread resurrection.... 4770k ES, after reading the above i gather with 4770k being current 4 core, ES isn't allowed in OC? If that's correct (?) would it change if there were to be a Haswell refresh?
  6. Piotres still in business??
  7. Sorted.
  8. ..
  9. Hmm, don't understand that then as the 4770's running up the top of the tables are 4/8. If that's the case then why not run them 4/4 with potential higher clock? Must have looked through at least 50 subs across different gpu's for 06 and can't find a single 4770k in the top ten that runs 4/4.
  10. Really? Seems pretty much all top slots using 4770k are 4/8 for 06...
  11. Eh, ideally 4c8t Allen so i can get 06 in as well.
  12. No bites? Good chip=good money.
  13. Plenty on the Bay!
  14. Good stuff Loud! Any reason for no DDR3 boards being used yet?
  15. LN2. I think as a first timer steady temps would be the way to go, having more control seems like a bonus. In fact that poses the question, why would you want less control and faster reaction? So where does the Fusion fit into the grand scheme of pots in that repsect? Hmm, that's one thing i didn't even contemplate, when load is off! I'll need to go read a few threads and soak up as much info as i can! Nice website btw.
  16. Hey guys, Looking to go sub-zero shortly so i've been doing a little window shopping for cpu pots. Still at the early stages of research but thought i'd ask the experienced guys to get an opinion/advice! Pot's seem to vary quite a bit with different guys/company's producing more than just one pot, from this i gather some are suited to some applications better than others. I've picked up on some prefer one pot for 'x' and another for 'y'. So, what are the differences between pots? i.e, does it depend on hardware being used (in my case haswell/ivy-e for now), or way they holds temps etc etc. I'm sure a lot of it is down to personal preference but a quick run down of the fundamentals would be greatly appreciated!
  17. Good ones gone to the grave, other wasn't as good as seller claimed.
  18. Sorted.
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