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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. btw guys, we identified a problem with LLC, btw this is version 1.1 board with LLC implemented. On the highest level of LLC it starts to affect stability past 5Ghz. When I dropped to one level down i was able to bench at 7Ghz 3DMARK11 (we figured it out 5 minutes before the end of 3 days benching OF COURSE LMAO). Anyways dont use the highest LLC setting when benching...
  2. Thanks all, i had screenshots on one of the HDDs and guess what i copied the wrong backup drive's backup folder LOL. I emailed the guys at UK office to extract the files for me but essentially we could bench up to 7Ghz 3DMARK11 which is really nice. I wasnt expecting that. Talking about not expecting something, macci mentioned on livestream he didnt expect us to hit 8GHz. Something tells me we might be pushing way past 8.2 once we actually test more than 1 CPU LMAO
  3. congrats guys, well done We also had some fun last week actually and went past 8Gssss pretty sweet I dont have issues with my score @8150mhz http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2060997
  4. hey christian yeah i was just doing quick multi jumps and only screened 7756 and then 8033 which ended up being corrupt, tis ok i dont care just wanted to see the magic 8
  5. you have been exposed to Fester virus, contact your local doctor immediately to rid you off "no probrem, sure why nooooooot" virus
  6. goooo GHZ and G-boy/mang, with 01 coming up i hope for their sake they can get the CPU clocking higher though what's happening with my boys i wonder, superpi round looked reasonable Romania FKN nailed the first round, well done I see Kingpin haging out, sweet
  7. great news guys, i'll be setting up my new bench room/office soon too, looking forward to it
  8. congrats on the frequency record AMD now we need an efficient 3D benching platform for globals, can we expect that?
  9. very nicely done man why are you guys giving him tips how to bench 01, 'sif he didn't know all that already
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