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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. you never know dude the new chip could be even better. a mate of mine got a new chip and it doesnt 6.4GHz 3D eeek
  2. Oh man sorry to hear that, bad luck there . It really sucks losing a good chip I know how you feel! You were playing with fire at those volts and cooling. Gigabyte boards set vcore a bit higher once you start going past 1.65, if you had a play with other boards in the past this jump would be familiar. It only happens around 1.65 in bios. This is normal. You really should have had subzero cooling for anything past 1.6 mate, I wouldnt stuff around next time no matter what board you use. use stock VRM unless you specifically see an improvement. I very much doubt you will see anything change on standard cooling. It might make a difference with some CPUs subzero however. Always test extensively with stock on Gigabyte first though and then gradually work your way up that's my advice.
  3. so you're maxing out at 1100 in 4way now against 1400 3way? havent seen that before on UD9 but i have had instances of dropping one card because it just pushes out of slot slightly every now and then i like the look of new slim pot you guys are making, shame about the throat, why didnt you make it wider, it would have really made the pot great
  4. yeah i put some water in there to see what it looks like on the inside heheh
  5. no mate its gold plated. Sam, me and a few other guys got a pot from Thermolab back in 2008 i think. I've recently gone back to it and it performs really well on both AMD and Intel
  6. you still got that gold pot? noticed the mounting screws and springs.
  7. LMAO james' gone a touch crazy , nice job, shame about vmem but nice benching regardless
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