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Everything posted by dinos22

  1. Ronaldo, you are going to burn out if you keep worrying about this stuff
  2. BOC Australia > owned by Linde people controls 70% market share in Australia http://www.chemlink.com.au/indusgas.htm but they are ridiculously expensive. I pay $1.2/L Delivered and they charge $6-7/L to pickup LOL
  3. this "sport" is starting to get to a point where it's getting over-complicated and has one too many rules i swear. Every dude out there has an opinion his opinion is most important and wants shit to spin the way he imagines it will, where do you draw the line. No offence to rbauss or others but do you get what i'm saying....
  4. well done Christian. Showing some serious skill there mate
  5. ... to the Celine Dion soundtrack no less
  6. sorry i should have referred to chispy as the Godfather of PCMARK05 naturally
  7. why does chispy create a thread every 6 months asking if we should keep or remove PCMARK05. Should we have a poll if chispy should be making this poll?
  8. anything beyond 1.7 is Russian roulette with your CPU
  9. what boards have you tested other than R4E? Does UD7 score the same physix?
  10. bclock was worked on in the last bios and some minor stuff
  11. nice to see you figured out the 32M slowness. That's a big difference. I'll start playing a bit next week to see if we can push the bios guys to remove some of these bugs too a bit sooner.
  12. what bios are you on OBR? I assume you've tried what ive done in the video and no go? massman, it's working OK for you?
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