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Everything posted by jpmboy

  1. thx Marc. every once in a while I trip over a good piece of hardware. (no shunt mod.... yet :-0 )
  2. thanks marc. but what a crazy benchmark. :-0
  3. from Futuremark: Time measuring inaccurate This message indicates funny business with the system clock during benchmark run. In most cases, this means that, no, you cannot cheat in 3DMark by adjusting Windows timers during the benchmark run or otherwise tampering with the measurements done by the benchmark. If this message persists and you have not done anything out of the ordinary, it may indicate a hardware issue with the real time clock in your system or the presence of a background program that somehow twists the time-space continuum of your operating system in such a way that this anti-cheat detection is tripped. You should delete all scores subed with a time measurement error. Why cheat??
  4. this is with 2 TitanX (Pascal) cards. No option to select this in the dropdown menu?
  5. Some phone pictures from Saturday July 23rd! Bummed to have to leave - family wedding to go to today.
  6. nice one marc... IDK, you guys have some special sauce or something. Great score!
  7. "Asked and answered" . Thanks. ;-)
  8. I see subs with a 6950X... is this i7 Broadwell processor allowed ????????
  9. well - I got 3200 to run stable... but it's taking 1.2VSA and T2 (T1 just will not post - ugh!) edit: and stable to GSAT:
  10. Daaum. That's what I feared. core does 4.4 with avx at 4.2, cache at 3.8 with 1.275V each in bios (measures a lot higher under load, like 1.34V). water cooled, temps are very good. Bum IMC it seems. Batch# j602c018
  11. like the 1080... a 6950X is not allowed??
  12. opps.. and I didn't use the background either. thanks.
  13. Huh? Warranty? The kit is a 64GB 3200C14 ram kit, 24/7 stable (*HCi Memtest 1000% and google stressapptest for 2h under Linux Mint using a 5960X and bios 1701 on the R5E). Will not post at XMp timings or more relaxed timings with the 6950X and 3101. Yeah, I know VSA a bit, and getting alignment is not necessarily something where more is better. Thanks.
  14. Hi Elmor - I'm using 3101 on the R5E with a retail 6950X... samsung B-die kit (8x8GB) which ran 24/7 at 3200c13 with tight secondaries fails post at 3200 at any timings/voltage, whereas 2666 is at least stable with somewhat tight secondaries. Is the something in the new bios (or maybe one of yours) that might help address the problem? Is 0051 significantly different from 3101?
  15. thanks lochekey. hands may be dirty already... gotta get to Carlise that weekend too for something a month later. lol - yeah, may have to give it to a nephew or something. 80% too. not sure he knows what to do with an evbot tho. :-0 Will be good to put some faces and names (or usernames) together. Looks like the list of attendees is growing!
  16. Thanks funsoul. Hotrod pinged me about this some months(?) ago. Great work putting it together - no small task! more than willing to. thanks man. nah man, I live in PA.
  17. Hey guys, are non-LN2 guys welcome? The Summer Party is about an hour or so from home base for me... I'm not an LN2 bencher, but would like to attend on Sat or Sunday just to watch and meet the crew. Solo No room needed Won't be benchmarking... can "gopher" if needed. http://hwbot.org/user/jpmboy/#mywall
  18. Opps - nvm, I see websmile's post above. (problem with phone browsing)
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