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Everything posted by jpmboy

  1. Nice subs man. Welcome to Team OCN! Lot's of folks here to help if (when) you need some. Enjoy. :thumb:
  2. ^^ Thanks. one result per stage.
  3. Similar to one asked already... Can I make 2 subs for my team, using different equipment in stage 5?
  4. there's no such thing as a novice or rookie with LN2... unless they never make a sub with it. AFAIK, as soon as you make your first sub with LN2 you are bumped up.
  5. that worked! :thumb:
  6. I keep getting a sub error about having an invalid link. This link is fine. What's up? https://www.3dmark.com/3dmv/5647148
  7. jpmboy


    yes, I was asking about this Division 1 comp... rules say 2066 is arbitrarily not allowed, but I was simply asking if a 4 core 2066 (which is basically the same as the 7700K) is allowed in Division 1. Sorry to caused any confusion in my OP question. Asked and answered.
  8. is this 4 core processor allowed? Launched same time as the 7900X which is allowed in the Pro OC division....
  9. hey Jon, I have the original OC panel (white logo, OCpanel I) with firmware 0602 - it was last used on a z270 Apex. The firmware within the R6OCPack0815 is listed as "ocpanel2", but this also works on panel 1? and isn't a firmware update tool/module (.bin file?) needed?
  10. NOt using 4K, just using a 1440P screen. I'm just trying to upload the botprime file when the failure occurs. No rig pic is involved. That does not seem to be the issue anyway since 1440p has been accepted before.
  11. In past comps the part has to be already "officially launched" when the comp begins for any form of it (ES or not) to be used - I've been hit by this at least once. Looks like something websmile needs to weigh in on.
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