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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. I report this score same days ago, and today I see validated this wrong VGA ( please see screen's.) But i think it was wrong, please re-check this bench Screen's : Link bench in hwbot: http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=855956 Thank you Sw
  2. was a mistake of mine, I doubt this was another bench.. this one : http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=832398 Please Excuse me, this error Regards Sw
  3. No doubt ,chispy, honesty is also the person who climbs a score, which must be real, and observing the rules and regulations hwbot. And now...in this bench, this guy used one WD VR 150 Gb or one acard 9010 with memories RAM ??? RamDisk soft ???? maybe ??? I think it validate in FM, may not be available at hwbot, it depends on the rules of Hwbot. ! I am not the most expert on the subject, hopefully some of the Mod regards Sw Ps: well, my spanish and Italian write, is better, I hope you understand my amazing english:p
  4. X800 Gto2 All don't see resolution in 3DMark screen's, same nick, but this is wrong already reported, but so far has not been checked http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=796918 - No Resolution http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=796915 - No Resolution http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=796914 - No Resolution http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=796912 - No Resolution And Something Old ..... X1050 in Radeon 9550 Including no resolution in some bench I made the report in May 2008, on time, with the bell, but has not been changed, for One Mod that it's wrong, not wrong for other, please check again. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=697663 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=738346 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=628666 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=626713 Check this and.... Thank you Sw
  5. :D, already solved, was not a tweak Sw
  6. Check this submit http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=821109 Well 6600 Gt in PcMark Vantage that is impossible , but more IMPOSSIBLE is that score for single 9800GT Quad 6600 2.7Ghz Core Vga 745 Mhz Mem : 1082 Mhz This bench is 9800GT in SLI, is the only way to achieve this score with a 9800Gt Or this guy has the best Tweak of the history of OC::D Sw:eek:
  7. And...one for me, you got my address:D Sw
  8. I think this should be included in the standards or rules of Hwbot, to avoid confusion :ws: Like this and another http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=820735 Sw
  9. Ok. As I wrote before, no problem see you later
  10. Well jmke, Nowhere place, this score is delete ...besides this score it's OK...CPU Score 13800 with PyhsX OFF (with PhysX On Q6600 at 3850 Mhz Cpu +31000) ....see that screen... my new screen in new bench is equal;) No problem, bench always two or three times, but that score is correct, Did you see this CPU score??? , this is my daughter's CPU , but she is not at home Beyond that, jmke I want contact you, how can I do? ? regards my friend and Thx for the info Sw
  11. Hi NeoForce the score CPU is 13800 PhysX is OFF..., with Phys X On score CPU in Q6600 is + 30000;) Anyway I re-bench and submit again one best score in this. Thank you for your quick answer Regards Sw
  12. Today delete my score 8600GT DDR2 in PcMark Vantage... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=807114 Why delete this score...?? because this wrong, to delete it? Sw Ps.: Anyway, I bench again and submit new score (best score), please if something was wrong, in this, try to tell me that this wrong
  13. Can´t report, the bell is grey !!!!Only a Mod can do that, besides I had reported at that time Thank's again jmke Sw
  14. Very well done jmke, good job, thank you, thank you very much Please move this to correct category ... where they never should have been moved X1800Gto in X1800 XT 256 MB http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=740493 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=740503 X1050 in Radeon 9550 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=697663 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=738346 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=628666 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=626713 All have been validated by mistake surely bad for a mod I look forward this arrangement, which is more than fair In Spanish: Muchas gracias jmke, tu trabajo fué excelente, espero ansioso las correciones, las cuales y seguramente fueron hechos por error por un Mod. Te agradezco en nombre de todo Argentina Overclocking OC Team y en el mío en especial Gracias Thank you so much, jmke Sw Ps. : Mod's Please be more careful in their actions, and avoid problems or damage to other
  15. Has already spent more than 1 day, the facts are these Day after day, I remember this injustice, until it is resolved. RichardBastard , Massman... have read this???? Please someone: Move that x1800Gto to correct category...AGAIN..... is justice Fair Play....my friends, For all !!!! Sw Ps: Thanks jmke for your concern, you are the only one
  16. without looking too much, for example /// 1050 in 9550 validate by a Mod See this, it is not surprising http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=738349 There is much more than that, we need to look more ..??? Move that x1800Gto to correct category...AGAIN..... is justice Fair Play....my friends, As for all !!!! Thank You, komadyret by your comment, Argentina overclocking Team appreciates your support And my friend Patagonian Thank you so much Sw
  17. If you want to search all hwbot videos mod (pp. unlock, and flash bios), I do know that, whether, and I think most of 1500's bench, including bench Hipro's, Kingping, and other Important hwbot's overclocker What will they say when they change or delete the results? Move that x1800 Gto, again to correct category Fair Play...Please please we must stop the arrogance (some with power to move things) and the manipulation of results., That it's my feeling Sw Ps: Very recently been validated modeadas 9550 to 9600 XT, we also hurt ourselves and the team of Poland, it took a Mod opposite, and this is recent They want evidence of this action? Are needed? Narmer therefore, was severely damaged in points
  18. Along with this though.... A microprocessor to overclock Intel E8500 is a 3.3 MHz E8600 .... then we must move from class? Or Many Radeos's , and another videos, unlock pp. (like X800 Gto or X 850 Pro...etc. etc.) by Flash bios, then we must move from class? Sw
  19. jmke, to be like you say, will have to move or delete many, but many many...many.... in hwbot's bench's many Radeon's are flashed.. for unlock pp. Please think about this Thank you Sw
  20. Jmke, it is good that you told me, you know that you respect...(As always respect for all) But, any times, I have read in hwbot, it was the reverse, I can re-bench because I have the video, but others are not, this is anything but fair, such as desiciones have hurt me for the radeon 9550 I have just informed my team that I am thinking of retiring from this competition because there are things that do not understand very well, and is not a problem of language. Well, this is the team conversation Best regards, my friend Sw
  21. Like this ...Mome's 1800GTO, 16 pp. Mome's 1800 GTO in correct category http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=727343 And default clocks are 500/500 like 1800 GTO (flashed X1800 bios GTO to XT , unlock four 4 pp extras) When default clock's in 1800 XT are , 625/750 Well... anyway, Mome's VGA is X1800 GTO 8 pp. but he unlock four 4 PP....!!!!! He changed this VGA at 16 pp !!! (that is easy....flash bios, that 's all) You understand me ??? Please move to correct category , again..... Sw Ps: Sorry but, this card is clearly X1800 GTO... not X1800 XT
  22. Please check this: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=740493 and http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=740503 clearly see in the pictures X1800 GTO... not X1800 XT But in both cases was checked by a mod. I think that was a mistake or do not understand , or something new with Vga's x1800 ??? but we all know that there is nothing new with the old Vga's, bench's just that these are in the wrong category Thank you Sw
  23. Narmer and I, believe that these RomanLV's bench's and g10 bench's are Radeon 9600 or Radeon 9600 Pro, based on cores or default or stock of this Vga's. RomanLV's answer: this We do not seek to harm anyone, only if you have a mistake, correct it Default 9550 have Core 250Mhz memo 200 Mhz Well, this bench's are: RomanLV Default Core=520 Mhz and memo= 351 Mhz !!! Overclock 776-388....It's too much http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=807783 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=807776 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=807792 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=807797 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=807799 g10: Default Core=398 Mhz - memo= 300 Mhz Overclock 698 -420 Mhz http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=809629 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=809630 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=809633 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=809634 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=809635 We think, that is too much, but the last word is yours Thank You Maxi and I hope understand my English, well ...my daughter helped a little Sw
  24. Maxi please, read the post 294...There is confusion between the VGA 9550, 9600 and 9600 XT Ati Radeon 9550 = Core 250, Memos 200 9600 and 9600XT are diferent and greater speed in default besides Gpu-z bug show sometimes 9550= core RV350 and another times show 9550=Core RV360 Narmer...Roman answer : Maybe , maybe not, but I do not decide that, besides I'm not speak English too, my dougther help for write in English Well, the question is : Vga 9550 - 9600 and 9600XT are the same or must be in one category ?????? I Think , we need the opinion of Hwbot crew in this Sw Ps: My father was Ukrainian (Odesa) like RomanLV, but I do not speak:o Well , explain everything in English for me is too much! (I need help of my doughter , she sleeping, 8.0 AM in Baires) , but here is the question. Ps: sorry but in English, all, you don't understand me Sw
  25. I think like you Narmer, but none of the staff has left hwbot your comment on this issue. I think they have not read I'm waiting for comments, opinions, something of hwbot crew In Spanish : Pienso como vos Narmer, pero nadie del staff de hawbot ha dejado su comentarios en este tema Creo que no lo han leído Yo estoy esperando por sus comentarios, opiniones, algo de hwbot crew In Italian: Narmer penso come te, ma nessuno del personale ha lasciato hwbot il tuo commento su questo tema. Penso che non hanno letto Sono in attesa di commenti, pareri, qualcosa di equipaggio hwbot Ps: Well, if my English is not understood Regards Narmer Sw
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