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  1. definitely setting the standard with the ocf, nice seeing the work payoff
  2. its supposed to be just the mem score not the overall score
  3. Most country cups we've had a mix of old and new, i'd expect this year to not be too different in that respect. Hopefully less subs needed overall though. Having stages with newer hardware is good for getting newer benchers to participate since that's usually what they have. And well older hardware is fun and isn't super expensive to go out and buy if no one on your team has it. To me ideally the stage should require a decent breadth of hardware and it shouldn't be just the super popular stuff because that just leads to people who already binned and ran that stuff to just re-run which I think wouldn't be that interesting. On the other hand it can't be too obscure, that way everyone can aquire the hardware and we don't end up have only a few countries able to sub. Comps also kinda serve to help increase the amount of subs on underbenched hardware so I do try to suggest stages along those lines.
  4. that would also work well, I just picked 4ghz since its an easy low number to hit, as long as its relatively easy to hit ambient on chips I think it would be good also I think allowing xeons for the stage probably would make sense
  5. cpu stage ideas: cpu profile max, 1155 only geek 4 or 5, amd only, 6 core only, ddr3 / ddr4 / ddr5 ycruncher 10b or 5b by socket gpupi for cpu 100m dual cores only geekbench 3 conroe 4m pifast by socket i3, ddr3 only gpu stage ideas: G92 cloud gate or 06, x58 only 2GB vram max, heaven extreme nvidia 600 series vantage gpu score hd 4000 series 05, quad cores only hd 7000 superposition 1080p memory ideas: zen 1 / + / 2 / 3 32m, 4ghz freq limit pifast by ddr gen (1-5), 4ghz freq limit geek 3 mem score, 1366 only, 4ghz freq limit misc ideas: 3dmark 11 physics, gddr5 only, cpu mem clock cannot be higher than gpu mem clock i'll think of more later
  6. yeah direct die, hit +13c looking at the temp readout on the post code
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