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Everything posted by fuzz3l

  1. Do you want so share it? Also please the 1m Windows... Regards
  2. Last question: Why look your 32m Window different compared to your 1m? Btw: I tried same settings as you, also with "Stronger" and lower Ramtimings but i can't reach your Scores...hmm...well.... Or CL7 is faster than CL6 but i cannot/will not understand this...
  3. Sorry, but i think this cannot be true... I tried so many runs the last days and i never reached your efficiency, all my runs are round about 17,4-17,5s with 3440Mhz... And i tried 3 OS which are for E86 very fast (<45k PP) and tried different CW Sizes but i never get your result, never... Or do you have an "unknown" Bios on your RE? What is your PL and which Strap do you run on RE? Regards PS: Here the Screen of my 32m (can't upload it here, the PNG file won't work here...): http://www.abload.de/img/pi32m-3440-14.17.906-o65pr.jpg PPS: And why you aren't in front for example in PiFast or wPrime? If your CPU produce such a high efficiency...
  4. Another bug: PNG screens looks horrible... Link to one PNG loaded up here directly from my MacBook: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=937323 And here the same PNG uploaded at abload.de: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=wprime1024-3440-1493.8kdb8.png Same issue here: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=937321 Btw: In Safari the 2 screens are completely black. Even if i download them to my local folder "Downloads"... Or is the error caused in front of the monitor?
  5. Now time for reporting an bug... Do you changed the way showing the screenshot of the result? At the moment is it so that my Mac OS 10.6.2 download the picture to my local folder "Downloads" instead of opening it directly in Safari... But this is always the case, sometimes the pictures will be open in a Safari without downloading it to "Downloads"...
  6. But who says that the ranking will get more popular? Who want's to bench 3x or 4x now when it's worth almost notheing atm? I know that there is of course a fair factor of results and points. But the current factor in 3x and 4x just sucks atm
  7. Maybe you should take a look @my profile... i'm not a high money bencher guys... Of course your points about stock clocked hardware is rigth. But what i just wanted to say is that it just sucks that a overall WR is worth notheing now... Don't get me wrong! I really like the idea of splliting the rankings!
  8. Guys i think you don't get my point. It's not about that i don't like the splitting! I don't like the way the points are given... When i read the first post to Rev 3.0 i loved it... but that what's online now just let me feel sick You are always coming up with your Server Farm for WPrime.. that the only benchmark where we have that problem! And got it guys? I'm talking about 3DMark all the time...
  9. And it's still nonsense! I won't even be in top 10 when i beat all OVERALL worldrecords.... Where is the sense about that? Oh cool than i'm on a list where even not everybody is listed that benches 3DMark in this world? GREAT! FAIL guys, EPIC FAIL!
  10. This just not makes sense! When i do ABSOLUT worldrecord a beat EVERYBODY on the world. Imo it's not about the HW i used, i was just better than everbody in this World! Is that worth a like a pice of sh** now here?
  11. Guys sorry but the point calculation sucks in many ways! WTF makes a place 100 with 88GTX in 3D06 more worth than the ABSOLUT worldrecord in 3D06???!
  12. Haha Thomas you can rest @ my house if you want Only 250km to CeBIT from here *lol*
  13. I will be there at weekend. Don't konw the exact day/s now
  14. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=765334 Score to high for this Clocks (look CPU-Z only 3,33GHz)
  15. Sorry jmke thats not ok. There is NO ruel that says you need to discribe were and what hardware you are benching, and no ruel to make pics of the hw. But against there is no ruel, somebody posts "sharing", you look, see "same typ of hw, same clocks" and delet it. But never asked No_Name oder Joe for an discribition before. When you are doing something like that you should not wonder if people like No_Name and Joe(don't know that he does) leave hwbot. You really think there will be no problem when some of the top benchers of the world are not here? Team Japan isn't here... when some germans aren't here too, you will get a big problem, because you "Rekord Database" is not really completly.
  16. *agree* The "sponserd" benchers, are not born with their sponsors they have benched a lot, and worked hard to get this sponsership. Everyone can get a sponsor, you just need to work hard. Thats life
  17. Guys i just wanted to show you this "teaser" by No_Name Done without an Blackops He will be back soon To SF3D & Pro: Nice work and benching bros
  18. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=732220 - no CPU-Z and no GPU-Z
  19. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=732521 - no res, no GPU-Z
  20. http://hwbot.org/quickSearch.do?hardwareId=CPU_1452&name=Core+2+E2220+(2.2Ghz)+(97) All scores from mickeymouse done with an E2200 not E2220
  21. Happy birthday Everybody hwo don´t gratz him, will be kicked
  22. It´s the hole user: http://hwbot.org/searchMembers.do?userId=14065&name=milkyway
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