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Chi-Kui Lam

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Everything posted by Chi-Kui Lam

  1. from 10~35C , I can set what target temp I need.
  2. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10468365_10152192217378946_2401237236510669372_n.jpg Server Class Water Cooling from Intel !!
  3. After the Intel OC Contest , can someone tell me how to delimit Air/Water Cooling?
  4. Good MB + Good CPU + Good Guy + Good luck = 7GHz+
  5. High Cache + High IMC..... for the Win !!
  6. Hahaha..... I want to be XA competitor !!
  7. I am so happy you save my life !! hahahaha:ws:
  8. Goodnight bro....Did you test wPrime 1024?
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