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Everything posted by sergmann

  1. I haven’t tested it now with K-Bios but it should also work with it. Please set tREFIx9 to 255 in K-Bios. Auto value with high tREFI value is to low.
  2. Now are higher tREFI settings possible 140 only? Usually you should be able to start higher. Check your Mem, if Mem settings to high. Some people forgot it during rising up BCLK.
  3. k-Bios is in the first post Not sure how much it will helps, but I don`t have any problems to boot with different Kits 6800. More are with my 24/7 timings and my 12900k not possible :(. 12600k and 12900KS are better on IMC.
  4. Just a short Test with Adata Kit with new Bios and yes, it’s a retail CPU, Board and Mem
  5. I think you don’t know, but all Tachyon are tested for 7k XMP. If they can’t do it, it goes back. If you think my board is prebinned, I must disappoint you, it’s same board that everyone else has ?
  6. it`t not the Board or Bios, it`s your CPU or wrong settings. Try my profile
  7. I have 3 different boards here, one ES first edition and two final boards, don`t have any problems with slots. Did you "pressed" mem full in the slots? I use often Mem-Pot and don`t have any issues with it. For your settings, change tREFI to the max settings, it will helps to boot easier. I can see VDDQ in the screen with 1.7v, if it`s true, your mem will be very hot and fails after a short time, don`t go over 1,60v on Air. I set 1,7+v only if mem is cold.
  8. not tested at the moment, will do it in the next days.
  9. Belive me, as soon you will make CPU cold, you can run higher mem frequency. I can start with low temps my Air-Settings with 7200, if you will make mem also cold, you can go higher (7600 are not the problem)
  10. I got Adata Kit for short test. It`s possible to start with 7k with a little bit looser timings and it`s Geek3 stable up to 7.1k on my KS. Voltage-Settings: SA: 1,20 VDD/VDDQ: 1,35 VDD2: 1,45 Mem: 1,60
  11. Your 3rd timings are to tight. change it to 12-7-a-a-20-20-a-a-12-7-a-a-56-42-a-a
  12. Oh not good, don’t have Adata here for tests ?
  13. try my profile, this settings are working for all my tested CPU`s and Mem-Kits. With 1,45 VDD/VDDQ and 1,55VDD2 I can boot same settigs with 7k
  14. usually: Postcode 31 - 54: you need more voltage on DRAM VDD/VDDQ Postcode 3F - 54: you need more voltage on Mem you can try my profile, but be aware, it`s not an 24/7 profile, I choose this settings only for some tests. X3i profile sergmann
  15. Sorry I’ve never tested original bios ?. Tight RTL‘s need different voltages compared to relaxed RTL’s. This is why you need more voltage. Gigabyte don’t need so many settings. Maybe your settings are wrong. You can send me your profile and I can check it. will upload it here with my adjustments, if it will be necessary
  16. Thanks guys! Now I’m waiting for Allen’s magic USB-Backup ?
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