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Everything posted by sergmann

  1. You can use all x3-versions for XP and Win7. What you need is CSM, as long it’s not enabled, you can’t use XP or Win7. I prefer X3i bios for all CPU‘s also for KS. Last uploaded GTL works also for XP and Win7, don’t have problems with it. Regarding MCU, for K/KF CPU‘s without e-cores and with AVX512 support you need 0x15 microcode but you can also select it for KS. for non-k CPU‘s it’s already described here I’m Thread, select microcode 0x09
  2. @Leeghoofd Windows 10 was required in every stage, in the last stage there is nothing of it. Are all OS versions allowed now or not? Otherwise, it causes confusion if this has been noted in all other stages and not now.
  3. @fireKill If I'm already mentioned by name . I have no problem with not breaking the rules about hardware sharing or availability/download of the programs and bioses you use for comp. If everyone follows these rules, fair competition works. Like you, I also delivered a video for microcode because it is not visible in the MM tool. Ever since Corsair Comp, I've been meticulous about making sure the programs and bios we use for comps are online. Assuming someone is using a "special" bios with more futures isn't nice either I don't think this is the right place to discuss it either, let's go back to the OC and have a beer together when we get a chance.
  4. sorry, I don`t have any bios versions for z490i. what exactly do you need for download?
  5. That’s right, you can select the buttons for BCLK or multi/ratio in the menu “Settings” you can change it. Per default it’s multi/ratio but you can select BCLK for it
  6. If you are interested on G.Skill Trident Z5 6400CL32, Corsair Dominator 6600 CL34 and T-Rex, let me know ?
  7. @Leeghoofd Is for G7400 stage max multiplier 32 or 34? In thread you post 32 und the comp 34 ?
  8. Of course for BCLK benching, set Mem @4k for example and test bclk
  9. For non k CPU’s and BCLK OC you need the right microcode, I would try it with 0x09 ?
  10. can you start your system to flash new bios or is it not possible? If you can`t start it, take FAT32 USB drive, put X3i bios on it and rename it in gigabyte.bin. Put usb-drive in the red USB-Port near LAN port and press QFLASH-Button, after it all two bios chips are flashed.
  11. One of our team members got Dell Hynix mem. He will test it on Tachyon
  12. Guys check my scores, I use only Hynix Mem on this Board. I have Samsung also, but they are not so good as Hynix
  13. Have you checked my profile? Which CPU did you use? I‘ve tested now Giga/Corsair and TeamGroup Mems. No problem with voltage settings. all X-Bioses have open Voltage settings
  14. Will change it, but you can also check verification link ?
  15. Oh yes, forgot my stand text ? Who knows, maybe I have to upload another score ?
  16. Can`t confirm it, with x3i I can change voltages vor PMIC and Mem
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