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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. bump
  2. Not yet, AllBenchMark support says to try installing as administrator... Yeah, as if I hadn't already tried that 5 times.
  3. Right here: How To Use The Dritz Seam Fix Seam Ripper - JoAnn | JOANN
  4. bump
  5. $25 for shipping to France. I bought this chip from Splave, but only benched it a couple of times because my Z270 Apex board developed issues while running on LN2. Board works fine on air but for some reason has all kinds of problems on cold. R15 at 6.75GHz (first session with the chip) Gunslinger`s Cinebench - R15 score: 1526 cb with a Core i7 7700K
  6. Selling: used 7700K that's good for 6.8GHz Cinebench R15 6.95GHz or so for legacy 3D Price: $450 shipped USA Heatware: https://www.heatware.com/u/61643/to
  7. How is the Cinebench episode different than the "tweaking" that went on with PCMark for years and years? Never knew about the Cinebench issue until long after the fact, and could never make heads or tails of PCMark tweaks or no tweaks. Honest questions, not attempting to start anything. I'm an overclocker first and foremost, no skill with tweaking or OS tricks.
  8. Unless you have infinite free time to test them all, just use the same driver as whomever is in 1st place with the same GPU.
  9. Any software or human interaction altering the perceived speed of the benchmark program, tricking it to believe it ran faster. Changing the OS clock during a benchmark run is the very definition of "human interaction altering the perceived speed of the benchmark program" specifically for the intent of "tricking it to believe it ran faster" Doesn't matter what league the user is in, doesn't matter what rank the user holds. There is no excuse for this action that is acceptable. As soon as this vulnerability was discovered it should have been reported to HWBot so that it could be addressed instead of exploited for personal gain.
  10. Disallowed tweaks/cheats: Altering benchmark files or the rendering. Any software or human interaction altering the perceived speed of the benchmark program, tricking it to believe it ran faster. So blatantly against the current rules of every benchmark...absolutely no excuse should be accepted. 1 month ban would be a joke, 1 year minimum...
  11. I've removed the LET from the backside of the board, so maybe that will make it go.
  12. Fresh install on X299 XPower of W7 w/SP1 this morning produced the same error.
  13. We really need to figure out the issue with W7 64 since that's the OS that scores better for this benchmark.
  14. GPUz info says W10 64
  15. It worked for me when I used an install from Z270 and X99. (W7 and W10) It has not worked for me at all when the OS install came from X299 (W7 and W10)
  16. I wonder if those OS's were originally installed on X99 and just reused on X299... I'll try it out on my 24/7 install from my OG RVE
  17. Thanks, pushed it a little higher tonight.
  18. Well it's the same error for me in: Win 7 64 bit, retail Win 7 64 bit, 3D optimized Win 10 64 bit, retail
  19. makes perfect sense then, let's include it in the Pro OC round 3 competition then oh, wait.... :nana::nana::nana::nana:
  20. final price drop before eBay
  21. Anyone know how to fix this error? I'm unable to enter my key and unlock the full benchmark.
  22. Same problem for me with 1440 screen, adjusting the resolution doesn't fix it on my end. Junk bench needs an updated wrapper to account for bigger and better screens. Same for AM3
  23. That ES/retail rule typically doesn't apply to the Pro OC side but we'll have to wait and see what their official response it.
  24. Pro OC Division - The Pro OC Division is an arena for the Elite and professional overclockers to compete. There are ?no holds barred?, so to speak, and there are (almost) no limitations on the type of hardware that can be used. This means that overclockers are invited to use the fastest, most expensive hardware on the planet including Nvidia Titan cards, and for the first time, Intel Skylake-X processors (including Core i9 chips of up to 10 cores). The only restriction is on multi-chip systems. Single CPUs and GPUs are allowed only. Here are the benchmarks that have been devised for Round 3. According to this it looks like Titan Xp is fine but nothing bigger than a 7900X I personally hope it stays that way.
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