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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. Pretty sure these are B-die as well, I've got 1 kit so far and it's nothing special. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232183
  2. So why not run all the benches and just submit what you've got? You could still win a cash prize!
  3. Definitely need to tune the voltages manually as well as use better paste. You need to be using either Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut or Gelid Extreme for paste.
  4. Yes, you need to connect the two pads. One set of pads is for LN2 mode One set of pads is for the memory heater.
  5. Not from me, I can't remember the last time I ran a CPU on air. Bench time at my house is time to bench not air test.
  6. My other one crashed at 5G's 1.5V and -70 C, does it get any worse than that?
  7. Little to no scaling past 1.7V Still light years better than my other 6320 though
  8. Dancop Wizerty Rauf BenchBros
  9. Price drop on the last card.
  10. Gunslinger


    I ended up winning my PayPal dispute because they never did respond. About 1 week after I received my refund, the order showed up at my door. They then became very busy on email, forum PM's and my cell phone to get their money back. I let them sweat it out in silence for a few of weeks as payback for the crap customer service, then repaid the invoice last week.
  11. 75% card is all that 's left
  12. I've got the same issue with bios #2 on my OCF, bios #1 is working fine though.
  13. Much more left in them for sure.
  14. Individual card prices remain the same. $1,550 shipped for the pair, USA
  15. Price drop!
  16. moar volts! My 5960X hates my 4x8GB set of memory, dropping DIMMS all the time, whereas my 5930K runs it without any issues at all Try bumping VCCSA to 1.35V and VDIMM 1.4V, try them individually and together to see if it helps.
  17. otherwise known as the Holy Grail
  18. You have to remember that at the time this benchmark was ran, 4x SLI was a brand new possibility, GPUz, drivers and benchmark software was struggling to keep up. This particular result was one indeed ran with 4x GTX 285's and not 295's so it is in the "right" category.
  19. Just a reminder that the first stage opens up on 2/1/16 and at this time requires pre-registration to participate. The submission window for stage 1 is 2/6/16-2/7/16 If you would like to compete in this competition please send me a PM so that I can get you set up. Round 1 wallpaper: http://i.imgur.com/Z8HgKTR.jpg
  20. you know nothing jon snow It is 100% correct. The GTX 285 Classified cards in 4x SLI showed up in drivers and GPUz as 2x GTX295.
  21. lol, no. Was testing out my new chip, but kept losing my mount/paste. I only submitted because I think it will be enough to move me into the top 20
  22. bump
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