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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. still have some work left, got shutdown early due to frost.
  2. I had the same problem back in January, I emailed them the file(s) and got them validated. I thought they fixed it with the last sysinfo update.
  3. I know a guy selling 2x Lightnings. He just shipped one to Malaysia today.
  4. Have you disabled ULPS in the windows registry ?
  5. all hw is alive, it would just start to shut down at about -160 or so. I think I need a better CPU, this one has a CB at -165ish and a nasty CBB of -85
  6. lol, I opted for the $25 no questions asked K series insurance policy. Only bad part is waiting the required 30 days to send in the dead chip.
  7. I had this issue with an Asrock Extreme6 and it was fixed when I flashed to an older bios. I guess I just got lucky. :celebration:
  8. http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/BIOS/Z77/E7751IMS.A53 Here is the bios thread: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=42040
  9. Newegg has Lightning stock: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127670 Not sure what the PE card is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127677 Maybe one of the MSI guys can chime in with some insight.
  10. They still have Lords of Overclocking with Futuremark, seems there was 3 regions for that contest last year. The winner of each regional comp got a seat at the MOA finals.
  11. I have a couple of observations, feel free to clarify or explain or feel free to ignore them, doesn't matter to me personally. Curious how many LN2 subs Gnidaol has before this contest, as most submissions I looked at were with dry ice. Did he borrow or share Rbuass' dewar? Did they bench together? What I find most intriguing is that virtually all of Gnidaol's recent subs, benching for MOA and non MOA subs (that still had the MOA background) came from an Agility 2 SSD and had much lower GPU clocks. Then a 120GB Corsair GT SSD shows up, and he pulls monster clocks in 3DMark '11. Significantly higher clocks than what he had in the '03 stage, in a more demanding 3D bench. The only MOA submission that anyone has doubts about came from this drive... I looked through several of Gnidaol's other HWBot submissions and didn't see any others made with that drive, but Ronaldo has several subs with the same model. Coincidence? Very well could be, but this is not the first time HW sharing has been suspected or even found within this team, so that IMO is why the questions and concerns are being raised. Without a first hand witness, HW sharing is pretty tough to prove. Just my $0.02 It's a shame that a competition such as this has to be settled in such distasteful a manner.
  12. I saw Ebay Germany had them, at $900+ USD each
  13. Where in the hell is the retail stock?
  14. Who said anything about it being too hard? I've got real pots and dewars, just didn't have time to get the rest of the gear lined up.
  15. I don't have the necessary gear to compete, not sure why others are not trying. If we would have known the hardware requirements sooner it would have helped tremendously. I think we only had a 2 week notice or something close to that. I've got an MSI Z77 board but it hates my 2500K (so did another brand Z77 board I have) I don't have an MSI X79 or MSI GPU, and the only MSI GPU's available in the USA need extensive mods to have a chance at the top 3.
  16. But also too true.
  17. I had "55" with an older set of GTX2's, swapped to my newer set of GTX2's and it booted right up, so it might not just be a timing problem.
  18. Isn't '03 unsupported for links ? I seem to remember the oldest supported is now '05 but I could be mistaken.
  19. Good news! The Lightning 7970 price has fallen $80 USD since the start of this competition. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127670 Bad news! It's still not in stock!
  20. This is turning out to be a big fail by MSI with lack of 7970 Lightning stock. :banana:
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