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Everything posted by Gunslinger

  1. Call her and tell her yourself. 867-5309 ask for Jenny
  2. Yes LPX Bdie is still available.
  3. HOF memory sold Torque memory sold
  4. Corsair Dominator Torque results Gunslinger`s Cinebench - R15 score: 3229 cb with a Core i9 7900X Gunslinger`s HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 4k score: 27.15 fps with a Core i9 7900X Gunslinger`s Geekbench3 - Multi Core score: 53990 points with a Core i9 7900X Gunslinger`s Cinebench - R11.5 score: 34.56 points with a Core i9 7900X Gunslinger`s HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 1080p score: 115.57 fps with a Core i9 7900X http://hwbot.org/submission/3620729_
  5. Looks to be $34 US for shipping to the UK https://postcalc.usps.com/Calculator/MailServices?country=10150&ccode=GB&omil=False&dmil=False&mdt=10%2F9%2F2017&mdz=12%3A59&m=12&dvi=5000
  6. I ran them at XMP timings and pushed them to 3466MHz at 1.4Vdimm They ran there for days and days, didn't push them any further than that.
  7. Don't really have any results with them that I know of, bought them for X99 and never really got around to using them.
  8. man I wish I could swing one of those 1500i's
  9. All items are to be considered used Selling: Retail 7740X CPU, it has been delidded. Chip does R15 at 6.6-6.7GHz https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117792 Galax HOF GOC 2016 4K DDR4 4x8GB Bdie SOLD Kingston AFR DDR4 2 kits 2x4GB Corsair LPX DDR4 4333MHz Bdie, two 2x8GB kits w/fan http://www.corsair.com/en-us/vengeance-lpx-16gb-2x8gb-ddr4-dram-4333mhz-c19-memory-kit-red-cmk16gx4m2e4333c19r Corsair Torque 3200MHz two 2x16GB kits SOLD http://www.corsair.com/en-us/dominator-platinum-se-torque-32gb-2x16gb-ddr4-dram-3200mhz-c14-memory-kit-cmd32gx4m2c3200c14t Kingston 3466 AFR DDR4 two 2x4GB kits Corsair AX1200i PSU http://www.corsair.com/en-us/ax1200i-digital-atx-power-supply-1200-watt-80-plus-platinum-certified-fully-modular-psu Western Digital 1 TB HDD Velociraptor https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAAEE43V5443 Prices: 7740X: $250 Galax: $100/module SOLD Kingston: $100/2x4GB kit (2 available) LPX: $275/2x8GB kit (2 available) Torque: $325/2x16GB kit (2 available) SOLD AX1200i: $250 WD HDD: $250 All prices are "shipped in the USA" International buyers are welcome but are responsible for shipping fees. PayPal for payment. Heatware: https://www.heatware.com/market
  10. Looking for a chip to run some legacy 3D 6.8-6.9 would be nice
  11. I don't have the correct XOC bios so I'm very limited by OCP/voltage. Also need a proper VRM heat sink on these cards. :celebration:
  12. Insane chip, show some pics of this pot though.
  13. trying to locate the XOC bios, voltage software or EVBot firmware and firmware flashing tool now.
  14. Both of my 1080 Ti's suffer from this issue.
  15. I'm fine all of them, helps to know what to plan on buying and what to avoid like the plague, which is usually anything from AMD. :celebration:
  16. I kind of sympathize with the retail "availability" side of the argument, but it's been this way forever, so it is what it is. But the rest of it pretty much reads like butt hurt over Intel crushing AMD's TR release party with forthcoming products that actually perform to the hype.
  17. sold!
  18. Dropped to $450 shipped.
  19. Don't have the time or watercooling equipment for that kind of testing. Chip does 5.2-5.3 with 1.2V-1.25V on a crappy AIO, so draw conclusions from that I guess.
  20. bump Need to move this so I can buy some golf more clubs.
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