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  1. Thanks for sharing the information, I appreciate it! After some research it is no longer available on AliExpress but on Alibaba and minimum purchase of 2 pieces, also exists in HM77. And so this motherboard has a barbone bios? It interests me for OC the IGP because I don't know how to do it on my Asrock HM55, and it's simpler to adapt a cooling dekstop.
  2. Interesting, what motherboard did you use? I really like exotic cards intended for mobile hardware.
  3. Je ne suis pas le seul a avoir une SR2 en belgique ^^ , bien joué!
  4. @Dry_Ice777 This is my small temporary workshop only ^^, all hardware enthusiasts are welcome at my place, a good cold Belgian beer will be served XD
  5. Yes me too I really like it's memories sodimm. DDR3 Hyper-X & Hyper-X Impact
  6. Hello everyone, I would start by apologizing for my really bad English. It's all in the title I'm looking for a bios for old MSI GX620 laptop. Particularly version 1.0E --> A1651MS.10E of 08/01/2008 And or version 1.0Z --> A1651MS.10Z 06/25/2008 These are the only version compatible with Setfsb , I use version 1.0P and this one does not work. Of course all bios links on the internet are dead. I'm a big fan of mobile hardware overclocking and IGP ? Thanks for your help.
  7. Hello, A very big thank you to you, you really helped me, I managed to make a score. Although my asus SK8V let me down.... I will treasure this file.
  8. Hello, This year on the country cup there is an AMD internship with GPUPI I'm trying to do this course with an Athlon 64 FX-51 and an Asus SK8V, this card is only supported by windows xp but now I can't find the amd 2.5 SDKs which seem to be the last SDKs officially supported by windows xp. Anyone know where I could find them? I don't see a lot of GPUPI scores with socket 940 processors. Thank you.
  9. Hello patreon supporters. Given the current price increases of everything except our wages. I chase away all my unnecessary expenses. And so I notice that I give 20€ each month for hwbot because I want to support the whole team and I must say that I spend hours there. Now, the observation is edifying we are at 277€ donation out of the 4000€ which in summary means barely 14 donors, is that correct? How to get people to support hwbot?? Personally, I'm hesitant to stop my support because since March 1, 2021, when I started donating, I haven't seen anything concrete to thank donors, I'm not doing this to get a return but a small gesture of thanks would have been nice. Looking forward to reading you.
  10. I have a 6700K in my H24 but never tested its potential in OC, you never know.
  11. eviledeath

    12900Ks Sp 95

    Hello, I am interested, where do you live to know the amount of the delivery costs?
  12. Hello I'm taking the kit 8. 2x8GB G.Skill RipjawsV DDR4-4000C14 Very strong kit, DDR4-5240 C15 and way above DDR4-4900C14 on OCF. Like #7 one of the best DDR4 kits I ever tested PM sent.
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