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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Hey there Could you have a look into these 2 categories? http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_7300_gs?tab=hall%20of%20fame http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_7300_gs_2_rops?tab=hall%20of%20fame There are so many wrong results in the 7300GS (4 ROPs) Category which should be in 2 ROPs. Thanks & regards Roman "der8auer"
  2. Ahhh Didn't see that. Thanks!
  3. Hey, a member of our Team owns a 7500LE with 128mb but the other attributes fit to the 7500LE 64mb. Some time ago i heard that the VRAM isn't that importat for old cards so we can also add them if the size of the RAM doesn't fit. Like HD4870 with 512MB and 1024MB. But his result is faster with low clock so can we leave it there or should we create a new category? http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?gpuModelId=1218&applicationId=10&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&sli=false&limit=100 Thanks Regards Roman
  4. Yep Points are back Thanks RB
  5. We already talked about it there: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3915
  6. Don't know. 50 points missing here
  7. Yes i just wanted to say that a screenshot should be necessary =)
  8. Yep thats true. Memory isn't that important. But CPU Clock is. So it should be like SuperPi. wPrime + CPU-Z Screenshot.
  9. Hey Massman, im not sure whether i've understand you 100% Im just talking about stuff like this: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=856507 Checksum is valid but it's V2.00 if you click on the link...
  10. Hey there, in the past 2 years i've been at hwbot i often saw wPrime results with validation only and no screenshot. There are a lot of results where i just think "WTF". I've seen results at stock clock and no memory/latency is shown. So there's only a result. I used wPrime several times and sometimes wPrime doesn't detect the correct CPU. So what if thats not even the right CPU? We can't know if there's just a checksum: XYZ12345 (valid) whether it was the right CPU and not a bug. Is there a way to check the Validation? Are they safe? Where's the problem to force the users to upload Screenshots beside the validation? (Same to FM links but i think thats a different topic...) Greez Roman
  11. Hey, check whether Aquamark is set on 2 Cores in Taskmanager if its runing. And check your driver options. Disable AA/AF and set Texture filtering - Quality on High Performance.
  12. What the hell Great CPU! Awsome Result.
  13. o.0 what happened to the CPU and socket?
  14. Great card you've got there! Always tryed to buy one but they are so rare...
  15. Already had a discussion about this topic. Page 3 and 4 http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3144
  16. Why not SS and Validation? Shouldn't be a problem to add a Screenshot beside a validation or? Have to agree to Massmman. SS and validation would just give you more proof about the result.
  17. Please check this one: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=872620 1. Wrong category (he used a 8800GTX, not a 9800GT) 2. The verification Link is not working. Thx!
  18. Haha nice thought, Massman I don't see a problem in the current wPrime rankings. Like Hyperhorn said 100% agreed
  19. I think r1ch doesn't mean The cores of one CPU. Hes talking about multiple CPUs. Like Single, Dual and QuadCores in one categorie and another for stuff like servers or the Skulltrail plattform with several CPUs.
  20. Yep. Same thought here.
  21. Okay... Thats just too much I'd prefer LN2 with 1,2€ per Liter =) But good that you have added the LHE
  22. Mhhh okay. Thought there would be a easier solution for me. But thats definitely too much work for 2 points Thanks for your answers
  23. CPU isn't overclocked. Also tried the setup.exe but no success.
  24. Heya yesterday i benched the laptop of my brother (IBM X41). SuperPi, wPrime, PiFast worked all fine but i can't get a CPU-Z validation?! v. 1.51 If i save the .cvf file and try to upload it this error appears: File cpuz_21.cvf upload : OK Dump corrupted .! If i try to validate it via CPU-Z directy it says "Error" and the Errormessage is just "6" So wtf? Can you help me? Thanks very much
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