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Everything posted by Papusan

  1. Is there a progress trying to fix the slow loading and Server Time out mess? 2.5 week and still the same problems. Thanks Edit. The whole bot website is slow.
  2. It works without the server message now but when you click on hardware in your library, it loads very slow before the site show up. A small improvement vs yesterday, LOOL Edit. Still a 504 Gateway Time-out problem. + very slow to load.
  3. The server mess is up again. This time I can access my profile, my Team, click around etc, but once I try click on my hardware in harware library the dreaded 504 Gateway Time-out pop up. Would be nice if this can be fixed. Thanks https://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_gtx_1070/ https://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_rtx_2080_ Edit. Search on hardware get same server errors.
  4. Hwbot submit finally works again for me (Scandinavia). Thanks
  5. Have now passed 24 hours since the submit functionality got broken. Hope it can be fixed today
  6. A the title say... Woopsie. A server error occured. Error 500. If this happens often, we'll take a look at it. (https://hwbot.org/submit/data) Since early this morning I have had problems with submit my scores. Almost 9 hours since this started happening. And I started up now try to submit scores again and same problem. I get same problem on different machines and with differnt browsers. I saw also earlier (a few hours before this Error 500) that it took long time before the scores went into points and medals / trophies. It als looks like my Career Ranking points won't increase after several new posted benchmarks. Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this problem. But hope some mods can lookat it. Could this be looked on so I can continue post my scores? Thanks.
  7. Fantastic, bro Jackson :)
  8. Sorry the Double post. The submit flaws for GTX 460M is now fixed. Thanks and the thread can be closed. Again, Thanks
  9. Thank you very much good sir. I hope it can be fixed within not so long time. Again thanks
  10. Thanks. I really hope it can be a simple fix. Because I have ready many new graphics card bench scores (3d scores) from my Clevo laptop and 460M. I narrowed it down to be GTX460M as the culprit (Hwbot servers can't accept the card for submitting). Submit Cpu benchmarks (2d) from i7-920XM worked well. But submit graphics benchmarks results with same cpu and 460M was a no go. I can put whatever cpu together with 460M but it doesn't help.
  11. As title say. I have an older Clevo laptop with i7-920 XM and Gtx 460M. I have posted bench results with my old Clevo notebook the last days. But early today I run into problems submit my results on Hwbot. When I add in my new graphics scores and then click on prepopulate fields by previous submission of my Cpu scores (done with same machine)... It takes a few seconds and the 500 error pop up. I have also tried add same hardware specs manually, but same Error 500 happens after I click submit benchmark results. What can be done? I tried also later this evening but exactly the same problem. Already tested with Edge/IE explorer and same problem. Even tried submit my scores from other computers. But same Error 500. I have now tried another way to see what's wrong. I changed cpu and gpu model (from my GTX 460M to GTX 465) with same scores and pictures and I could submit my results just fine. When I edited back my score with the correct hardware (i7-920XM-GTX460M), the flaws come back. Same error 500. I can't post or edit results with GTX 460M. I can edit to whatever graphics card model, and can submit scores from whatever hardware.... But not with my GTX460M. I can't see there is anoter way than something in HWBOT database has to ber corrupted regarding GTX 460M submitting. Can some of you at Hwbot take a look at this? I will be very glad this can be fixed so I can continue submit my new scores from this old computer. English ain't my firs language but I hope you understand what I talk about. Best regards and huge thanks. -Papusan
  12. New released Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) Version: (Latest) Date: 10/4/2019
  13. New released Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) Version: (Latest) Date: 9/9/2019 I expect nothing will be changed. Edit. From the link... https://hwbot.org/newsflash/5130_xtu_to_be_disabled_for_points_until_further_notice "We will be working together with Intel to see whether a new version of XTU can solve these issues. Until then, points remain disabled." Has there been any progress?
  14. Meaker Your Time Spy scores are listed in the wrong place. It is listed as Fire Strike. More points when you move your score in the right place.
  15. Can I have my nickname changed from papusan to Papusan? With big first letter P. The same nickname, but with large first P. Thanks
  16. Very good result.And this with an Mq. Holy Moly!
  17. This with a low end Haswell. Impressive!!
  18. A world record Cinebench - R11.5 4xCPU Ranking (LAPTOPS
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