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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. It’s a new design. Single Stage water cooling. It’s what all the Germans use for cpu binning. :p
  2. Hahaha. George, I wish they were. This ones IMC craps itself cold, been past two others that lost their shit over it, now it’s my turn. First time LN2 on intel for me. The pain was real!!!! CBB at -118, managed to get down to -180 before CB, warm up, cool down to -160 CB, warm up, cool down to -158, got this run, next run, system lock, pull 24pin, cool down -130 CB WTF, warm up to -118, add some CB voltages, fail fail fail fail fail, gave up after when I saw the heat plate frozen and moisture on the edge of the board and near the memory. Could hardly boot or pass -120 at that stage. So so much to learn still. Pulled down, dried off and ran Ryzen 2nd Gen for 3 hours straight at full pot after.
  3. Not sure man. Maxed for me at this stage.
  4. Competition page down ???? Hope it’s fixed in time.
  5. Only Second! :( Welcome back mate.
  6. Yeah, we had the same issue, was a pitty. Congrats on the score.
  7. 1636 core yeah? insane GT score. In the end, I had no idea where my efficiency came from, just couldn't get more from the current throttling, needed more cold.
  8. What about futuremark link showing over 5000?
  9. My apologies for coming on strong. But it's competition at this stage. I don't have any problems with my score being beaten, as it's a placeholder. Just the timing of asking and receiving help that's wrong. It is a crap bench for efficiency though. Not sure why it would be included.
  10. I've got no problem handing out findings, but not mid stage. Wait til it's done. And yosariani, leave for the mods. They know what they are doing. All you do is make more work for them.
  11. Thanks for the report yosarianilives, I'll make sure I fill everything out exact just for you moving forward. Hell, here's a better idea, maybe you should just become a mod. With the amount of reports you throw around, would really help out the others so they can move on with the real work also, I don't know if you realised, but this is a competition man. Handing out info mid stage is not cool. We all sit here for hours/days working out what we need, and you come in handing out info. Go go back to your hole til the end of the stage please. Time to change out of my cranky pants now.
  12. Hey Alby, should I not be ranked at 5th with the tie-break? I really want my 3 fictional points and bragging powers.
  13. I'd like to see an announcement from the last 2 competitions
  14. I still have my GPUs and CPU's I've run on this, so all can be done again. I had a gold for the whole of 5 minutes last night, no complaints here. Wish it was out when I had my last cold session though, oh well.
  15. Looks like another interesting Comp. Please Clarify Stage 2 - iGPU only?
  16. Oh man, hope the CPU is still ok too. Bad luck
  17. I am always jealous of how clean your setup is. Nice man
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