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Everything posted by Massman

  1. OMFG!! :eek: It's gonna be windy
  2. Fixed! (can't believe someone actually clicked the link)
  3. 290 isn't launched yet
  4. Sorry! Fixed
  5. Bullshooter, that should be fixed now
  6. You hook them up to the internet and it doesn't fix itself. That's weird. Can you get me some log files at pieter@thisdomain? To get the log files: - folder: C:\ProgramData\Intel\Intel Extreme Tuning Utility - delete all - open XTU, when you get the error zip the folder and mail it to me
  7. Windows 7? Any hooked up to the internet?
  8. Found issue, trying to fix it.
  9. Figured this might be easier than scattered threads. Got'm all, I think?
  10. It might just be easier to have one thread with all the (extreme) tools The Stilt has made for AMD. THE LIST OF SOFTWARE APU Fuse Interpreter ("AFI"), latest version: R1.02 BullDozer Conditioner ("BDC), latest version: R1.0.3B Devastator PowerTune ("DPT"), latest version: R1.00 (unzip with 7-zip) Trinity Control Interface K2 ("TCI K²"), latest version: V1.1 THE DETAILS 1) APU Fuse Interpreter R1.02 - R1.01 - R1.00 Original post: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=86930 2) BullDozer Conditioner V1.03B - V1.02B - V1.01B - V1.00B Original post: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=78490 3) Devastator PowerTune R1.00 (unzip with 7-zip) Original post: http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=269267&postcount=48 4) Trinity Control Interface K2 V1.1 - V1.0 Original post: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=59243
  11. Not that I'm aware of. XTU installs the XTU Service (surprise!), and then requires the services other OC tools require as well. For example MEI driver.
  12. Would it be interesting to add "actual CPU frequency" to the application, add a validation functionality, and create a benchmark category for this? Link the hash to an actual OC result, correlate, and get some interesting findings? Or would none of those findings be any interesting?
  13. Hm, that XTU Settings tab ... saw you found that option too, George
  14. The hash is unique to every part?
  15. Yes. The latest version (V4.2.0.8) is using a different timer than the default one in Windows 8/8.1 and is unaffected by downclocking.
  16. It's going to be Heaven DX11 on MOA Freestyle.
  17. The benchmark is "working", Ian. We get about 900 submissions per week. There is a problem with V4.2.0.8, Windows 7, and X79 mainly. I have forwarded Intel the issue, logs, and requests for quick solution.
  18. If with Windows 7, hook the system up to the internet once when loading XTU and it should resolve itself.
  19. Was playing around a bit with Google Trends the other day. Found this interesting correlation
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