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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Wow, that system looks pretty awesome. Any high resolution pictures?
  2. Feel free to speak your opinion on this benchmark!
  3. Fine, I'll put up my 14min25s run so you will put up yours
  4. You didn't try the Bulldozer patch?
  5. We are still trying to fix it http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=79152
  6. I've added the reports to the backlog bug tracker. Keep you updated!
  7. - ASRock Z87 OC Formula --- 1.42D: download - ASRock Z87M OC Formula --- 1.32C: download - Asus Maximus VI Extreme --- 0711: download --- 0031: download - Asus Maximus VI Gene --- 0711: download --- 0038: download - Asus Maximus VI Hero --- 0711: download //EDIT: some Biostar stuff - Biostar TOverclocker v0.9.8.1: ToverclockerIv0981.zip - Biostar Hi-FI Z87W --- 530: download - Biostar Hi-FI Z87X 3D --- 523: download
  8. Yes, as Heaven requires only a datafile. It just happens that the process of creating a datafile includes a valid screenshot
  9. It's a paradox. One the one hand there's people complaining that there seems to be this "guilty until proven innoncence" attitude from the HWBOT staff (which I don't necessarily agree with) and on the other hand we have community members asking for all sorts of backdoor workarounds to maybe get something that is not allowed working anyway. Trust within the community is not something we can arrange top-down. It has to come from within. And trust doesn't only include the public statements, but also via private message. Sometimes I'd see someone congratulate a user on a record in public and then send a private message asking us to check up on the result because it might be cheated. Anyway, I still believe that for 99% of the people and results here at the bot there is no problem with trust. After all, this is still just overclocking. It's a hobby for the grand majority.
  10. Wprime doesn't get WR points, perhaps we should consider that. Wprime 1024M makes sense as it'll still scale. The Wprime 32M hasn't been beaten since December 2010, so I'm not sure whether WR points for that one actually makes sense.
  11. Pretty sure it's power supply incompatibility. Try another PSU, preferably different brand or the 1200i if you have that one.
  12. Yes they are allowed. No need to validate the reference design with a box.
  13. dna-sample@msi.com //edit: in all seriousness, let's stop the complaining and nagging in this thread. Our hands are tied as this is how MSI, the organiser of the MOA competition, wants the rules. The video proof requests comes from the community to ensure no re-runs have to be done. If anyone doesn't want to continue the MOA campaign any longer, that is a perfectly valid choice. I'm just saying ... we know how, what and why, let's not waste our time on writing angry forum posts anymore. There's no point anyway.
  14. Added the extra video requirement to the competition stages. Class A Class B
  15. - 24 Jan 2012: created task in backlog based on community feedback. - 29 Nov 2012: thread created in the forums requesting for community feedback. - 01 Apr 2013: 81-post discussion from the community on this issue because it's not been addressed yet. - 04 Jul 2013: heads-up to announce the patch will be done
  16. The real annoying part of ALL the complaints and drama about the points is that this patch has not even been applied in production! None of the effects of this patch can be seen on the production. None. - http://hwbot.org/benchmark/cinebench_r11.5/rankings?cores=24#start=0#interval=20 - http://hwbot.org/benchmark/cinebench_r11.5/rankings?cores=32#start=0#interval=20 - http://hwbot.org/benchmark/cinebench_r11.5/rankings?cores=20#start=0#interval=20 All we did was give a heads-up. It would be nice if, for a change, people would read the posts before starting all the drama.
  17. Fine. We'll just implement that "rainbows and unicorns for all" algorithm we've secretly held back from you guys for the past five years.
  18. The points are broken in some places, it has nothing to do with exotic categories. Cfr. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=79152
  19. I consider this change one by community request, not top-down from HWBOT. Please don't turn this around and use it as "proof" we're not engaged with the community
  20. What board? Did you test another board to see if it's a similar issue?
  21. Heads-up from ROG site posted today. Pretty much says the same I wrote earlier in this thread (even down to the Gulftown analogy ) Not sure how the default 1.0V/1.8V default ratio comes in play, but I assume what they're saying is that Vccin at 1.8V is safe even if you increase the Vcore to 1.4V (air and water cooling). Makes sense to me. Anyway, some of you guys are running double, which would be like 1.3V Vcore and 2.6V Vccin so 1.3V delta ... that can't be good. We all know "extreme overclocking" is about pushing the limits and no one cares about the guidelines, but you always have to take them into account. Especially if you find yourself killing a lot of CPUs ...
  22. Alright, update. So, it took a while before we could apply this patch on the production server. The main reason was to determine when we would hurt our little engine by requesting a large recalculation. We've decided to do it this development sprint. Now, before we do so, here are the now and improved algoritms. Because of the complexity of the HWBoint algoritm, we had to adjust more than just the global points for exotic categories to ensure future-proof behavior. We decided to go with a more simple logarithmic distribution. The maximum number of points that can be earned is determined by the number of participants. The idea is that 1st place always gets 100% of this, and lower ranks get a certain percentage, which is based on another logarithmic distribution. Points given are largely the same as with the old system, the major changes are: No guaranteed 60 points for more exotic categories A lot more points can be gained from medium-popular categories (100 to 500 participants) Slightly more points for lower rankings There's a little hiccup for last place though, you actually gain points when more participants join for exotic categories. That's something that can't really be fixed but the impact is relatively minor we think. We ran the new algorithm on a test server with a database snapshot of 23/02/2013. You can check the differences of the top 20 in each league below. Main thing to notice is that rankings largely stay the same, but Dead Things is completely gone (dropped to position 40 with 383 points). Points for first and last place (global): Old versus New algoritm XOC Ranking Difference (snapshot 23/02/2013) EL Ranking Difference (snapshot 23/02/2013)
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