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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Incorrect: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=30254&postcount=185
  2. So, even though you find it rediculous to block a score because of missing subtest details, you will be reporting all scores because yours got blocked as well? //edit: don't start with justice ... we're not some kind of government or court of justice
  3. We're talking years. Making GPU-Z absolutely obligatory was one of the very first written rules here at Hwbot. I distinctivly remember a crew member blocking KP's AM3 world record because GPU-Z was not present (summer '08).
  4. GPU-Z is just absolutely mandatory for 3D benchmarks. Rivatuner/atitool and other sort-a-like programs are only enough verification when GPU-Z fails to recognise the videocard.
  5. Memory specs are chosen from our Memory database, which includes both graphic memory as 'normal' memory. There's no real point in spending resources to change that :-P
  6. We don't block scores older than 6 months exactly to prevent people from reporting just to gain points. As this score is from 2006 (!), it won't be blocked because of the lack of propper verification.
  7. We're not talking about the hardware sharing issue here. We're talking about the reason why the score was suspicious and got blocked. It's pretty simple: suspicious + not following rules = blocked score. I believe no one is still on the sharing issue, so only problem is the subtest at the moment. But, does solving the first issue automatically solves the second one? If a man is brought to justice for murder and theft and turns out he didn't kill, does that mean he shouldn't be convicted for theft?
  8. 1/ It's not upto Hwbot to prove fault, it's upto the user to point out that we're incorrect. I believe the crew is very, very easy on this subject. 2/ It's not because we can't prove it's okay. If we have doubts, we want to know what's up.
  9. That's NOT what I said! And I believe I made that very clear.
  10. They were suspicious because of hardware sharing, hence this thread.
  11. Great, the moderators have become the slaves of our rules. I told you on MSN as well, there's no way I'm going to spend my free time checking 275.000 results to find just a very small error and block it. Results are only to be blocked when they're suspicious, not just for fun. It's the same reason why I don't block scores that are reported because someone with a lower score wants more points.
  12. Again, we don't block scores JUST to block them ...
  13. I tried to make a joke Apparently, I failed.
  14. Pie-charts are meant to make things more clear ... this one isn't
  15. No, will not be allowed for the simple reason that it's too easy to be cheated/photoshopped.
  16. No. We're not trying to block as many scores as possible. Our main mission is to block the suspicious/incorrect/cheated scores
  17. Not by editing older scores?
  18. Ok, I'll be answering the most important questions/remarks in a few minutes but before I start, let me say this: 1/ Whatever issues you have with each other, keep that outside hwbot. I'm not a kindergarden teacher, so I'm not going to waste my time with personal issues. This thread is about the recent scores submitted by the JMax team, not about any other team. 2/ I don't give a crap about what people think or say behind my back or the back of my fellow crew members. Since we have the authority (no, the duty!) to block invalid submissions to this database, it's more than likely than we'll upset someone. If that person has to blow off steam in his team's forums ... go ahead. Oh, and no, you can't know someone's true nature based on one quote or statement. Now, time to address the questions/remarks.
  19. Okay, definitly something to look into!
  20. Should be possible to add to the next development iteration
  21. Massman


    If you open the door, you'll find another 3D world ... but the graphics are awesome, no lod at all!
  22. OverDozeD, don't try to mess with us just because your score was blocked. If you try to find loopholes in rules just to find them, we'll apply them very strict when we come across your results ... Just to point out: yes, please show the dropdown box. Scores won't be blocked if only the dropdown box isn't shown, though.
  23. Hwbot does not care about any political issue, not between Russia/Georgia, not between USA/Iran, not between Flanders/Wallons, ... The reason why your score was blocked is, as Demiurg already said, violation of the submission rules set by hwbot. Note that no one says your score is cheated in any form.
  24. Massman


    Fudzilla ...
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